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10a 6letters a small watch chain -l-e-t thanx
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jaffa cake
1a. map makers uncovered yarns in different places. 0 - d - a - - - / - - - - - -. 8d. accuse opponent if this is fiddled - - - - - - - /- - - - - n - . thaNKS...
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3D Myosotis is the genus to which this flowering plant belongs (6,2,4) F?R?E?M?N?T
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12 down: Addict, note, locked up by judge. F-e-d ?? Can't get my head round this one....
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1a Town now incorporated in Tel Aviv and a kind of orange ? (5) ?A??? 35d War time conference of 1945 ? (5) Y?L?A 23d New York neighbourhood with an amusement area ?(5,6) C?N?Y ???A??...
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if you want to get a loan but one of you is overdrawn (not the person applying the loan) will this affect the result? thanks in advance.
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help please stuck on last 3d Way to speak, see in short German car. A?O?D...
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2d Sacked man's nickname, it's said, for a US resort (5,6) S???a ?o???? 29ac Dour Aussie sexton? (11) ??????i?g?r 22d Bishop allowed that woman to gossip (7) n?e?h?r 54ac Dance waving pretty sash (10)...
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help please with 14 across 'strung up by a murderous mob' (7) -y-c---? 15 d ' notable feats' (8) --p-o--- ? thank a mill...
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I'll start A Apple Sage Sausage...
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Reduce intensity 5 letters
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1d Fly round with no regard for the rules, but perfectly (10) ?L?W?????Y 15a Singer has tension after her work (10) ????s?R??? 5d Such unions arden't recognised (8) ?I?A?O??...
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Last one, and as so often happens to me with just one to go, I get mental block. 4d. Fancy losing husband. I agree to turn detective (6) W-M-E-
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20a Spread the rest out for two points (6) - T - E - N 10a Tract I can amend on the sea? (9) - N - A - C - i -...
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a Valentine's party in a residential care home? Residents are up to the age of 96, some mobile, others not.All ideas welcome -- many thanks.
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13 across External feature we initially removed from coats and jackets (5,3) O??E? E?R
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I am looking for a word which links with each of the following; Cream, Room, File. six letters. Also Feast, Oil, Mass. eight letters. eg for Fighter, Episode, Light, it is PILOT. Thanks.
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71 Down - Journalists credit (2,4) ?y ??y? 99 Across - Tony ? , TV mobster (7) ?o??a?o 12 Down - Virtually nothing (7) N??I?AL...
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Last one - hope someone can help me please. 29 Down: A ***, she tolerated Pistol at last when drunk 4,9 - D-L- T-A-S-E-T...
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4D Entrance 7 a????al 6D Polite and morally acceptable 6 d???n? 7D Small breed of dog ??? terrier 43D Workers guild 5,5 ???d? un?o? 36D See 9 ????a?i?e 82A Insignificant thing 9 r?n??s??? 16A...

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