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do you find fcuk or cnut offensive ? afterall theyre just words . rearranged so that theyre not offensive. and the proof is right here .
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I know this might have been asked alot before, but where in the world were you born? Do you have any relatives living outside of your home country? I come from Greece originaly but moved to the Uk...
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we were stood in HMV me and my other alf and he asked me whether i wanted a DVD box set (among other things) for my birthday, i declined nicely just tolling up how much money he mustve aleady spent...
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Random trivia: 1. What washing up liquid do you use? 2. If you could live on the moon what colur shoes would you wear? 3. How long is your hair? (on your head) 4. How many settings are on your washing...
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Its my 19th birthday on Monday but i decided to go out tomorrow and celebrate. My best friend just told me she's not coming out because of her argument with her boyfriend. really upset and...
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Doc Spock
because I remember William Hartnell as Doctor Who. I also remember the interlude on tv in the late 50's. And the potters wheel. Going to top my drink up now.
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Some of you will know I've had a rubbsh time lately health-wise. Unfortunately I've been lumbered with a lot of work as my colleagues are on hols, so i'm the only one holding the fort, so I haven't...
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Sitting messing about on here while hub's on the Playstation, and in the background I'm just listening to one of the characters on the game. It turns out it's Sean Bean without his normal Sheffield...
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Anybody else be glad for next Friday when BB finishes??? Not the best series and absolutley nothing interesting is happening.........
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I go to Magaluf in 17 days and i am absolutely beside myself with excitement!! is it possible to pass out because of excitement, because if it is then i may just do it! My 19th before i go, then the...
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My local radio station plays this song every day. whilst i am not racist it does offend me having to listen to this because if the word white was replaced with black it wouldnt get air time.Double...
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What is the difference between a heavy drinker (as in every day needing to drink to "top up" but not getting completely drunk) and an alcoholic? I thought they were the same but I'm told they are...
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sexiruskiee liams1.gif 06.jpg
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my ghd hair straighners have broke where can i get them fixed
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I have been listening to a BBC TV News report, about a questionnaire on racial prejudice. The message I repeatedly get is "Anything ethnic minority is good, and how dare anybody not agree !" So, if I...
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They say that we are drawn to people that look similar to us, who are you attracted to that looks like you??
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There are some great user names on here.I chose mine,obviously,because i love The Rasmus.How and why did you pick yours?
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What is the best way to excersie to get rid of love handles? I dont have loads of time, and just want to be get rid of them! lol. x
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Without spending loads of money, how do you stimulate nail growth. Is there any specific foods? Or any good products? x
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I have used Dove and another fake tan. Now am trying theNiver one, I find it smells a lot nicer than the other but still have awful trouble with my feet. How do you put it on so that it looks real.?...

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