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I've come to a grinding halt and would be grateful for any help! 36d Fish almost 250 in number ??NE I know "E" can represent 250 but that doesn't seem to help. Suppose ans is nine, but why?...
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Late as usual but explain 10 down Anatole France please
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1 D. Church once again trimmed reliquary (4) c?ef I can see 'clef' and have made up 'cref' - basically, I'm stuck! This is the last one, so I would dearly like to be finished. Thanks for help of any...
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14a Indicate even briefly in charge though in a mess. (6) E***c* 17a Convincing little man joins company. (6) C***N* 6d Coming to a halt its finally first rate. (8)*T*P**** Thank you in advance...
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Am asking again, because it's still annoying me... 1 Down. Church once again trimmed reliquary (4) c?ef I want it to be 'cref', but it doesn't seem to exist!...
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Small valley in Borrowdale in which lies comb gill. (9) T-O-T-A-E. Thanks in advance.
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12a Food is small in parts (8) ---S-L-S
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4 to do WW1 navy air arm RN?S shark bait C?U? post soviet alliance C?S russian no ?YET...
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Sounds like tutankaumanans grand vizier but its just me (1) pleads for the return of god of the earth(3) city appears to be in a state of flux or perhaps not (5) ha, ha pro could be the ruler (7) from...
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25ac--One after fish booked volunteers to secure boat [5]--- Looks like TARGA,the volunteers are Territorial Army ---but I don't understand! TIA
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Final character, half of partnership, went up to philosopher(4) ?E?O Is the answer zero, if so why?
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dr b
For the second week running I found the EV tougher than the Listener! Having the extra letters in the wordplay rather than the clue makes them harder to spot. I got the quote about 2/3 of the way...
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dr b
Oh no, it's Mr. O! Greetings you Brits, Swiss (honorary) and any Croatians who may be lurking. A difficult EV, I thought, that would not be out of place as a Listener. Many obscure words for answers;...
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17a bear's den defaced Orcadian land 6 29d engross Tory with rythmic monologue 6 first I 38a coolest rocker's inspiration 5 4th R 31a dog one gives crushed apples 6 3rd M 10d no top just pants 5 many...
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Grid fill is proceding quite quickly and smoothly, especially when compared to last week. However, I know that this will rapidly slow down as I know nothing about either the two adversaries or the...
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dr b
Can this be the first post on this puzzle? I thought it was very well done; the theme dawned on me very late in the game - I suspect those who caught it early on had an easier time of finding the...
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I'm not doing very well with this, have made a few mistakes, please help! 25A H?S?T?? Clamour overwhelming some regular visitor to a place (7) 7D ??I?S?? Judge, having taken off, is following...
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Hi all EVers. A straight forward puzzle more like a Spectator crossword than an EV. This was probably just as well as my head couldn't had coped with anything too difficult following the wonderful...
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Give a startling performance imitating David Blaine. (3,4,5) **t *i** magic Each break Kea took was way to celebrate the occasion. (4,3,1,4) Thank you in advance...
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Stuck on three - 19 Across - Section the editor we have protected. -r-o-r-d (8). Think it is armoured but don't see why. 24 Down - Thought changing one side would make one famous here (10). e-e-r-t--....

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