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hi all my dentist tells me that my front crowns are leaking i have noticed a gap beetween the teeth and gums with sum black metal starting to show through and food is constantly gettin stuck in these...
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hi can sombody explain how to cut copy and paste pictures etc thanks tuna
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hi has anybody ever taken appitite suppresants called tenuate or phentermine and maby got a addiction to them? also can they make you depressed and irritable etc. cud really do with sum advice. thanks...
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hi has anyone taken prescription appitite suppressants called tenuate dospan and mayby become addicted to them ? also can they make deppresion and anxiety worse. i really need sum advice. thanks tuna
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hi i am three crowns fittted on my front teeth as the others have shrunk away from the gums and hav big gaps in them, one dentist has told me they will be 200pound each yet another has told me they...
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hi wots the best thing to keep bathroom tiles clean an shiny especially around the shower area hav just regrouted them all so wud like them to stay that way! have heard that you can use car wax on...
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hi all am new to the site and suffer from osteoarthritis has anyone got any ideas on tryin to relieve pain in hands etc.while usin a laptop computer any tips wud be so welcome? thanks tuna

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