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8.Rodents go round a northerly direction 25. Appears that i’m surrounded by small angry insects 35. A drop in the narrow road Thanks in advance...
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9, 10, 11, 12, ..........(5,5) Block the crazy sheep (4,3) 50/50. (5,4) Anthrax Party Piece (5) Thanks in advance...
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Capital sway (9,4,) Holding the swamp back (11) French starter with mixed veg (5) Two trees in pieces (9, 6,) Thanks in advance for any help...
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(answers are colours) 24. I think she could be under the sea. 62. Fly off to Blackpool without the water (2) 8i. This shade’s a fishy one! Any help would be appreciated. Thank you...
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ANSWER IS A SHADE OR COLOUR 10. The rag gets tangled in her 31.Fine hard porcelain used for Wedgewood cameos...
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22. Sounds as if it could have a head start 33. It might be wrapped in paper 89. If Roger looks like jumping, catch him 95. It might jump well over the lawn Thanks in advance for any help or clues...
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78. Sounds to be an unmoving heavy weight on the dairy board 90. Are the Olympic ones played on electronic data apparatus (2) 94. It’s here or given 73. Thin pieces of fried starchy tuber Thanks for...
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14, Gold bar mix 39, Environmentally friendly place 41, I think Oscar ran around here 42, I am in the old film 56, Directional fire net turn Thanks in advance for any clues or help...
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36. Not left in the supermarket (6) 46. Not so much with a smell inside (6) 70. Sounds like a watery point of view (8) Thanks in advance for any help....
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47. Do Jamie, Gordon and Nigel live here (6) 57, You are in a messy taxi (4) 63, You can put a blanket on this vehicle (9, 6) 22, It’s heavenly here (4) Thanks in advance for any clues or help...
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Name the uk town--14. Sounds like a beech where witches meet What do the following represent 53, 6 P for the P B in S 54, 2 S to E A Odd one out 89, Happy, Lazy, Timid, Birthday, Silly, Snow, Funny....
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6, it's always the same for the workers 29, these sound to be above everything 32, these originated in a place in India around the 1890's Thanks in advance for any help...
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3, you could make knots as you do this 12, are they part of a plant or luggage 58, the streamstress had some cut to make into it Thanks in advance for any help...
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Last two if anyone can help , much appreciated.99, she might retail zincwafer if it's mixed well (2) 16, is the creature seen to catapult onto the stage Thanks in advance...
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52, senior council member sounds the right size for a rabbits home (2) 72, look for estimate among the trees 89, vegetables are having a conversation! or so it appears Thanks in advance for any help...
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36, it's a kiss from a rose (4) 45, put down the vegetable (6) 65, take fifty from Donald (3) 30, large tipsy sailor (5, 7) Thanks in advance for any help...
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13, Take a fish back for one of the little one please 24, Made of a spicy dough item (2) 46, Sounds to catch an entrance! 60, Daniel D's character in 1917 (2) Any help would be appreciated. Thank you...
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Answers are alcoholic one non alcoholic drinks or snacks 44, what a tormentor, way back (6,4) 63, call mr Dawson quietly (8) 28 refreshing in the field 13, such a charmer Any help would be much...
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Still stuck on the following logos. 2, 6, 7 Dingbat no 46 - Buyer, Patron, Client, Shopper. Pictures 70 , 72 Any help or clues would be much appreciated. Thanks....
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48, He may be on a board or with a clapper one 64, That cherub appears to be on the roof ( I think it's butcher but how does that fit) Thanks in advance for any help...

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