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last one until you mag 9d old-fashioned expression of surprise 6 Is it cripes?
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good afternoon everybody, just about to start the crosswords, so no sloping off for food or anything, I will need you :D
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yes I lied , this is the last one honestly 16d speak hastily and incoherently when angry 8
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last 2, thanks in advance 3d decorum repectability 7 25a different form 6
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last three I have got part of the answers but need to finish to peel potatoes 5d freed from shackles 9 7d relating to greek god of light appoll 10 9a fizz in a li vely way 10
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I haven't gone missing, main computer has crashed and my daughter suddenly had college homework to do, although she has had a whole week to do it and pinched my laptop!! Bear with me I will start...
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What is going on!! I wasn't allowed to add to the thread yesterday, and your comments have been removed from my questions :D
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last one before I start thinking about dinner and roast potatoes please and then you mag :D 15a air of despondency or uneasiness 7
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ok finished mos prize quickly but this needs a start, so lets go with 1 across senior civil servant 14 to get me going, roasted belly of pork for dinner tonight
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last one ,must of had too much to drink toasting Lie-king 18d temporary stay 7
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Last question, I know you are out there 22a able to be bent back 10
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24a french city near belgian border 5 and what's with having to sign in all the time
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I was jst bout to put up a question, but I noticed that Lie-in king had just answered it for somenody else, so thank you
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Oh my, I thought I was getting smarter, but 19september has burst my bubble, as I have finished both without having to ask for help
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I can't believe I have finished without asking for help!! I must be getting better ;-)
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Just to let you know that I have been without the internet for a couple of days, and I have just got it back. Managed to do Sir lancelot without it!! I will now start mos :D
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last one, it's been a long day 26a failure when wet 7
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Yes it's me again please help 9d campaigner of someone seeking election 11
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Yes it's me again, sorry about this, last two before lunch 3d one who throws 5 27a lower part of human trunk 6

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