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Why are these words so commonly misunderstood?
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76 t at the b p
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Big Al1st
Check out Enter portfolio then wizardry. I know there are others like this but I just cant see how it is done.
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In what two Olympics sports do women compete against men?
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why is the indianapolis 500 so called?
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anyone watched brainiacs, if you have do you remember the mobile phone at the petrol garage. why on earth do places like garages and hospitals still insist on turning off your phone at these places,...
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The direction of rotation of cyclones is different in Northern and Southern hemispheres. And since coriolis effect around the equator is equal/close to zero, if say an unprecedented happened and the...
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Does anybody else find it a huge backward step in thinking and logic that in the US (Kansas), schools must now teach that evolution is just a theory, and that the universe is so complex there may be...
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Have just bought a car with a Cd player in and want to compile some CDs for listening whilst driving on my own.  Any suggestions welcome,(apart from heavy metal or country).  Ta
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Does anyone remember a programme whereby a plane flew along the whole of the outline of the UK and it was all filmed? It was a few years back and I've a feeling it was "Horizon" or some such...
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Hi Am I right in thinking, that if you are stood at a zebra crossing, then the car's must stop to allow you to cross? Or, do you have to have one foot on the crossing or already be walking over...
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what does it mean on a bottle of spirit when it says .... proof. & how can you get over 100% proof ie,  i had some vodka that was 176 proof
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The reason given for women having to pay less than a man for car insurance for exactly the same vehicle when both drivers are of the same age / driving experience / location is that women have less...
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Which did you prefer id say World of Sport cause it had a better theme tune plus Dickie Davies was better than Frank Bough plus at 4 pm you got the wrestling with Big Daddy etc.
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can anyone give a simple explanation of the phrase "to beg the question"?
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Does anybody know what speeds a cricket ball can be bowled at and are the fast bowlers still getting faster
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I'm about to plaster over a solid wall, and I'll be putting a plasma on it later. With that in mind I would like to put some wires in the wall before I plaster, thus hiding the wires! So - what wires...
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Here is the real question: Draw the graph to solve the equations simultaneously x^2 + y^2 = 2   y = 2x - 1 Thanx xx
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If the chances of winning the Lottery are 14 million to 1, does that mean that if I bought two tickets, the odds are 14 million to 2 (i.e. 7 million to 1)?
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in football, the six yard box only seems to have one function  ie, the area in which the ball must be placed for a deadball kick, I am sure it once had other ones, does anyone know?

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