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How much does the Queen earn a year?
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did anyone watch all of Consent last night - the fake rape trial on C4, can you tell me how it ended, what did the jury find, and what was the truth. Thanks EB x
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I caught a bit of this over the weekend. There was one featured chap who was a marine - he was a bald, quite big guy and the panel likes his voice and put him through. Can anyone tell me the name of...
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Its not greenday or offspring. Music vidio is of a band on an american style float on a street parade. The lead singer has short blonh hair and is wearing a black and white skeleton suit. It starts...
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Please please cud any1 help me here im looking for a tune from the 80's i dont know the name or anythin but i think its a french song and it was a hit in the UK at the time... Forgive my spelling but...
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Has a film ever had a profound influence on your way of life and by watching it, changed your actions, thoughts, views or anything about yourself?
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my title is the question
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Jade Goody has apparently decided to change her name & adopt the Muslim faith to prove she isn't racist! She wants to be known as 'Yaffat Fouka'! (Rec'd by text)!
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~ vortex ~
about the dyslexic atheist? He didn't believe in dog!!
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I cant remember the name of an animated film, presumably from the '80s, in which the main character is a painter. He falls asleep under a tree {possibly magic} and wakes up with the ability to talk to...
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I'm looking for a dance/pop song from the nineties i know the lyrics but not the song or artist...... "You can say what you like, it's the same every night, you go on and on and on. I really don't...
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hi can anyone help me name this film. its a kids film, and its about a young boy who travels across new york or somewhere in america to get to his dad, but he travels using his grandads horse, and all...

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