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1a. Nonsense about "Fitness as food good" leaves room for doubt (11,3) ---D------- / --P 11a. Room in heaven, possibly British? (9) --------E 19a. Don Juan bows out, held by priest and knight (6,3)...
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1a. To act honourably may help America get sorted out (4,3,4) 7d. Amateur accepted loud fuss about timeless romance (11) 1d. Plant name is inconstant (7) Again, I need a push start here. Once she gets...
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1a. As reported, wouldn't keep a rodent (9) -O-D----- 10a. Hell as spy gets tortured, unfortunately (9) -A-L----- 29a. Ray, loving to be different, boasting in an empty manner (9)
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7d. Less upset about female's amused response? It'll be the end of me (4-9) 5d. Most of centre experiences pain in election events (8) 9d. One joke not enough? That I don't believe! (4,2,7) I always...
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1a. Poor painters and men are animals (4,7) ---- / ----E-- 1d. Plant providing half of meal eaten by horse (7) ------O 3d. Master mugs up on producing his best work (6,4) ------ / --U- Thank you.
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20d. Trade union's hit group with grass-roots support (7) N-S---K 25a. It's a bit mad to give bank back yen (5) L---Y Thank you. Can you explain the answers, please?
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1a. Sweet women with it (10) 10a. Just 38 OT books so severe? (8) 13d. A host of drinkers or travellers? (9) Thank you in advance.
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1a. Outstanding performance by Fannie pulling in fantastic receipts (11) ----E------ 9a. River mostly runs through mountains into city (9) ----O---- 15a. General contracted fever in Veronese house (8)...
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5d. Shabby drunk (3,5,3,4) --E / ---S- / --R / ---- 14d. Idiot among rowing eight to comprehend what's being said (3,4,2) G-- / -I-- / -- 1a. Dissolute man trained as singer (4,6) -E-- / ------
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1a. Carnival spirit admitted to be unrestrained (6) ----N- 9a. He sounds like a wheeler-dealer (6) ----A- 15a. Japanese play the Spanish in season (4) ---- Boxed in on the top left hand corner!! Need...
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15d. Doc discerned dice (8) -A-B---- 17d. Inside accomodation is upsetting musicians (8) -E-L---- Thanks in advance.
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Can't get a break at all!! 1a. Vehichle quickly parked beside Shell for protection (8) 9a. Essential for bottling revolutionary wine (8) 13a. I may be a sweet sickly puce during delivery (4,7) 16a....
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3d. Queen may not take kindly to inferiors doing this daring act (7,3,3) B------ / --- / C-T 27a. White-hot vessel sinking (10) ---D-S----
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5a. French poet holding middle of aid for bad hearing? (8) 22a. Brass pot that's found in the kitchen (8) ----E--- 16d. Really, really boiling after leap in temperature initially (9) L-T------ Thanks...
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1d. Line in feature in face preserving moisture (8) ----H-N- 13a. Fixer, one of a group, to practice New Testament exegesis (7,3) ---T--- / --- 4a. Stick out about me grasping return of work as...
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1a. Unfortunate woman, say, showing hair on forehead (6,4) 3d. China, otherwise, is her source for pungent sauce (14) ----E-T------- 9d. Irish rock group great people may come across (6,8) -----S /...
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Influence foul, as overbearing captain might (4,4) ---- / ---K
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6a. Porgy's southern drink (4) -C-- 8d. Finish remedy for Eeyore's problem (3,2,3,2) --T / -N / -N- / -- 19a. A German spirit reserved for young people, perhaps (6) -G-I--
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1a. Chance of throw of dice can't get one and five ten times (10) 12a. Arranging golden share, but internally bust (13) --------A---- Thanks in advance.
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9a. Person one judge imprisoned in capital (7) B---I-- 11a. Tipsily tell Tony about tango and trumpeter (9) L---E-----

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