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Does anyone else (apart from me!) pronounce the word February as it is spelt ('Febrewary') rather than the more usual 'Febuwary' & which is correct?
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With regard to the question below on American Pronuncation, and particularly bernado's answer, why do the English pronounce Maria Sharapova's name as SharapOva? (It's SharApova)
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why is the earth pin longer in three pin plugs?
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claude balls
Anyone remember it ?, 60's crude puppeteering on ITV. Everyone in the pub thinks he's a figment of my imigination.
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Mcfly have brought out their album and I read sumwhere that there is a secret track. Does any1 know how 2 get 2 it? thanx
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What exactly is it that stops you from downloading Trial Software again after it has expired? Is it a registry key or summat? Thanks
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I've used a few different anti-spyware programs that actually detect something called win32.mersting, yet despite clean after clean, it CONTINUES TO HIJACK MY HOMEPAGE, continually changing it to...
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What was the first show David Jason was in. Was it A sharp intake of breath.
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Their CDs are in the HMV sale and I would like to give them a listen, but where should I start? What are, say, the three best titles to get? Thanks.
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A few years back someone told me a code that you type into a specific cell in a new Excel worksheet. Once you press enter the screen turned into a sort of alien psychadelic world which you could fly...
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Can anyone remember a short film with the title '12:01'? I know there was a feature film made with the same title and based on this. It was however,awful. The short film was Canadian in origin,and...
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Does anyone know when the English language was first used and who invented it?
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......penny black stamps and was wondering if anyone knew how i could find an expert (scotland) who could confirm if there genuine or not ?

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