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19d Apparently, attack over exercise (3-2) T-E -O Can't see this one....
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22d Something of little worth is very acceptable. S-U Is this SOU - an old French coin... but why very acceptable?...
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25a Without question, squaddies could be put off (8) D-S---S- Can't see this one. Thanks...
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24a So long without work, man ultimately forgotten (6) -Y---E Is this BYGONE?...
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1a Secret boozer in East Morecombe (8), -S-----C is this ESOTERIC?
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1a rejected pickle in ale and cobalt in squash - technique employed in Sheffield? (8,7) Completely stuck on the top half of this week's! Thanks...
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19 d rattle, say, very nearly storms out without a note. --E-T-O. Looks like maestro, which has 'storms' in it, but I can't see the wordplay - if this is correct...
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4d fencing position essential to hidden garden (2.5) I think this is ON GUARD. Is this right? Thanks...
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11a fleet's power in attack (5) R-P-D Is this RAPID? But I'm not sure! Last one! Thanks...
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7d one explains old model with skimpy clothing (9) G---S-T-R The only word I can see which fits is GLOSSATOR but that just doesn't look right. Thanks...
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4a dog meat 50% part of take-away food (4,4) -H-W ---N I have CHOW MEIN but can's see the word play. Thanks...
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25a more stale works of writers (9) F-O-S---- I'm wondering if I've gone wrong somewhere? Thanks...
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20a Pne sharing top billing at gallery close to London's National (5,5) C-S-A -I-A- I have COSTA RICAN.... but surely that can't be right?? Thanks...
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3d Spike left on a church (4) L-C- I have LICH, but what's this got to do with Spike?...
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4d Mother drops Mark off outside priest's studio (7) A-E---R Looks like ATELIER... but why? I can's see the word play! Thanks...
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6d A doctor gets wind around end of college dance (9) I have Q-------- Is this QUICKSTEP.. but if it is I can't see how it works. Also - Dr - Quack?...
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25a Rare Polish flower (5) R-O-E Could this be ROOSE? But I just don't get it - that has ROSE, but rare and Polish? doesn't seem right. Thanks...
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20a A Monkey's crossing a lake, puzzled (2,1,4) I have -- - ---S Is this: AT A LOSS? A T(AL)OSS - Toss the Monkey - a game? Help!!...
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13a Small dictionary has 'grog' in specific language. (7) --A-E-T is this DIALECT? I can see small dictionary as DI, is 'grog' ALE.. but it's rum really! Thanks...
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10a A substance one has on entry? (10) I have -E-M-A---N I this PERMEATION, but I can't parse it! Thanks...

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