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9d-Commune in the French region of Bourgogne (10) U-A-D-N-A-
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10d-transparent textile used for bridal and evening wear (7) O-G-N-A 14A- A low upholstered seat without a back, typically sued as a blanket box or storage chest (7) 'OTTOMAN'? 41D-A long thick pillow...
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46d-species of ornamental fish (3,4) K--- A-P 51a-Scenic island and popular tourist desination in the campania region of Italy (5) C-P--...
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Variety of highly seasoned smoked sausage made with various meats including veal (10) k-a-k-u-s-
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26d - cider made in the West Country (7) S-R-M-Y 37D-What do you call a freshwater fish of the genus salmo(5) 8D-Savoury or spicy condiment (6) R---S-...
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28d-Brass instrument used in military music(7) A-T-O-N
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48d-An open "palce of assembly" in ancient Greek city-states (5) A???A 44d-a stanza consisting of two successive lines of verse, typically rhyming and of the same lengty (7)??U???T 43a-brand...
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'cut of beef that was illegal in the UK during 1999 BSE epizootic' (1-4), A -O-E
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7d-Colloquial name for lycra or spandex(7)E?A?T?C 51a-Decisive battle where robert the bruce leading the scots defeated the english and assured the independence ofd scotland(11)B?N?????U?N...
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30d-the original name for the anniversary of the end of the first world war on november 11, 1918(9,3)
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17a-English author who wrote the 1945 novel "Brideshead Revisted", "The Sacred & Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder"(5)?A?G? 21d-Giant cactus of the south west U.S and...
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a type of crested wave at sea; also one of various hill figuers around england , most notably westbury in wiltshire(5,5)W?I?E?O?S?
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8d - Swarming grasshopper, can jump upto 70m (6) I?C?s? 34d-waterproof layer spread under a sleeping bag in a tent (11) ??O?N? S?E?T 32A- Plastic item of which, says the dept of environment, food and...
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47a-a small pictogram or symbol that represents an application on a visual display unit(4)?C?N 40a-A person's fate(5)?A??? 35a-U.K road section were vehicles are not permitted to stop at anytime...
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22-d, informal term for a type of violet-coloured toxic liquid, for camping stoves (5) M?T?S 4D, Device for measuring electrical resistance (8) O?M?E?E? 6A, Tall and graceful breed of dog...
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36a-subject based statutory qualification of UK that was replaced by the GCSE in 1988(1,5)O???E? 50a-church area between the pews(5)A???E 25a- a form of sensory aphasia which causes a patient to loose...
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30-a, An adjective for squalid social conditions, named after the author whose novels depicted such conditions (10) D?C?E?S??? 7-d, A short musical composition (5) E?U?E 14-a, Word which links black,...
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52-a, 3-dimensional sound (6) s???e? 49-a, Version of a typeface designed to emphasise certain workds (6) I???I? 31A-Classification applied to goods and services on which VAT is not levied (4,6)...
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22a-Cornish town dating back to the 12th century (7) S?L?A?H 37a-Cut of beef that was formerly illegal in the UK during the BSE epizootic in 1999 (1-4) T?O?E 30d-Aromatic herb (4) ?I?T 18D-Best...
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one of the primary subtractive colors complemetary to red (4) ?Y?N

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