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In chemistry, an element , atom or group having a valence of eight
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1d Bishop gets everyone willing to join sport (4,4) ??L?-G??? Was wondering if it was ball game. Thanks in advance.
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9d It sticks to block (10,4) ?????a?i?n-?a?e 11a Aide gets an abstainer unnaturally tanned (9) a?t?????? Many thanks in advance
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18a drink makes us resort to change of school attire (8,5) --o--/-r-u-e-s 14d Deadline for fineal doesn't finish with hesitation (9) u-------- Thanks in advance.
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Stuck on one. 10a Game over in Maine part of course. ?O?U?E Thanks in advance.
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4 down Large number cells with similar structure and function 6 letters 8 down Placental mammal from tropical regions of Central and South America eg anteater 8 letters
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1 across - He's accepted promise after time in 90's film t?e ?o?m?t???t? Thanks in advance for any help.
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Donald Duck
11a/ wicked sorceress,half sister of king arthur (6,3,2) M??g?? ?? F?y
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an essential part of intrinsic to 8 letters _n_e_ _ _ thank in advance
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Climbing plant or tree of warm or tropical regions named after two french hebalists. Thanks in advance
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20D, in which effects of light and illusion of movement is used rather than pictures 2,3 o? ??t. 24A cricketer prodigious batting talent born in India in 1973 (6,9) ???h??? ??d?l?a? 23D germanic...
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type of reflecting telescope designed in 1672
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9d bristle like sensitive hair on the face of many mammals, a whisker - i ----s- 8 letters 13a the descendants of a person, - - s - e five letters
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12a In greek tragedy, ode sung after the chorus took their places 21a Mountainous region of South West Asia 1d The ----American vocal group popular in the fifties 2d Approaching a given value (maths)...
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Just need to more answers: 13a - ?Archipelego a group of islands in the indian and pacific oceans (5), 27d - substances derived from petrochemiclas, some of which are used as sweetening agents (10)
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In the US and Canada, ventilated buildings used to store unhusked grain. ?o?n?r?n?
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4 Down Tropical American shrub with trumpet-shaped flowers ???N?N?A

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