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Stuck on these if anyone can help please - 12. I am one, but my brothers are not (8). 21. This children's author could amazing things with a pint! (7,6). Thank you.
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1. Flat bottomed cargo boat used forloading and unloading ships (7) L?G?T?R 2. hindu system of philosophic meditation whose name means "union" in sanskrit (4) ?O?A Manyy thanks
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a) Appreciated by sea-faring drivers b) Amalgamated c) Recently hit by a run d) Helps transform pedal power into whirling wheels e) It has awkward wheels f) Preserve the status quo g) An added...
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Which characters in Harry Potter are named after the town in Gloucestershire where J. K. Rowling was born (seems to be Chipping Sodbury!!)
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Still puzzled over these done in a friends paper at work but never solved. Can anyone put me out of my misery here!! s-l-k-(drunk) -n---(old ?1 pound note)
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Stuck on these: royalty to excess (5) sounds like he may be on the fiddle (7) small stream in Indian state (7) to search for something in a place or container (6) Knock out to the French (5) noted as...
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How many metres do greyhounds run in their own Grand National, which I think is held at Wimbledon, uk
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is the greyhound derby and the greyhound grand national the same thing, or more importantly the same distance???
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What' s next in : 1990-SE 1991-MS 1992-AA And also: nnsenssennewsewseennsseennsseenness Any ideas??????????
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What comes next in the following sequences z, x, c, v, b, n ? HW, EH, HW, JC, MT, JM ? 1990 - SE, 1991 - MS, 1992 - AA ? A, T, G, C, L, V, L, S, S, C, A ? Many thanks
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"I was not good with the opposite sex" - save for an unchivalrously told encounter with a girl with "bristly thighs". Which lovable celebrity chef's memoir? a....
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Stuck on remaining few - any help gratefully appreciated please. No's 4, 26, 34, 41, 42 and 47
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sounds like an order to kill the pealers (6,5) male pig with a lot (7) a musical carousel (5,6) you gell to keep warm (4,3) town of the first xmas tree (9) a first present with wings (6) held on xmas...
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ST GK 739 (7 letters p?m?r?t ) Stuck on this any ideas?
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What is the connection between Annie Walker, Jamie Lee Curtis, Steve Davis, Stanley Matthews, Thomas the tank engine
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what is the connection between Chhetah, Bonzo dog doo dah band, Louis XVI, Clyde. Jim Watt,

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