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long story short, i broke up with a girl bout a month ago. We'd been together say 6 months, most of which was hard going due to us both having issues from previous relationships and my inability to...
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This is an illusion were there is a girl spinning around on one foot, but the amazing thing is that it can look that she is spinning both clockwise and anti-clockwise depending on what way your brain...
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I`ve taken this question from another post regarding ads which has prompted me to ask ` how do I remove them from the screen`. I have loads on screen all the time. I am on mozilla firefox. My computer...
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Looks like private wheel clamping is set to go, private towing too. Is this a good thing or will land owners now struggle to clear theeir land of the ignorant and arrogant ?
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Do you think it will ever happen - even if not within a century? http://www.telegraph....within-a-century.html...
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There are only 10 types of people in this world..... those that understand binary notation and those that don't. Which are you? Mrs bradycat didn't get it!!!...
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My b/friend just described someone as"she's got a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp", while never having heard this expression I wondered its' origin?
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hi my daughter keeps a lovely garden ,but her neighbours dog keeps crapping in the middle of her lawn.any ideas what to put down to stop this filthy habit ??
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My dog has just had her 3rd litter of pup's and i want to get her spayed now. I cant afford the cost of having her spayed and wondered if i could get it free by the The dog's Trust?
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Want to avoid 7 years bad luck. Moved into a house that used to be owned by a dancer. One room has an entire wall of massive mirrors. Want to take them off but don't want 7 years bad luck for each one...
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Cannot access my aol email,get screen with a big dogbowl with ALPO-6 printed on it,and the words LOGIN RESTRICTED. Anyone got any ideas how I can get rid of it....

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