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21. A female athlete takes to the skies (3,7)
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22. If you are too far away CALBC
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2. Midpoint congregation (4,2,4-3) 10. Matched its name (6,3) 17. Increased stress? (5,8) 20. Whatcha sample jason? (4,3,4) 30. A tin wall (3,1,4) 32. Protestant prophesied future event (7) 39. Part...
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1. Sounds like this lady is putting on a little weight (4,2,7,3,3,4) 2. Hi (3,5) 3. Hi babe, hows about a salsa (5,2,5) 4. Old and weighty, ( a lot like me) (6,3,1,4) 5. Was this a secret place to go...
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Summer 6. Farmers very special day (12,4) Autumn 6. Wonderful colours found at this time of year (6,5)...

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