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Short account in which one saved tragic heroine (4) _ E _ S...
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Soften, squeezing down at the front until even (3-3) _ L _ - _ _ _...
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Enjoy or get engaged in bawdry opera (9) R _ _ _ I _ O _ _...
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Please help my daughter win an easter egg at school: 1 polmumice 2 D d D D W D D d D 3 ANIMATION (this has a hat (two sides of triangle) above - joining A and N of word)
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Who is the patron saint of farming and agriculture? (7 letters): __ O __ O __ P__
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Where is the Rose and Crown in Peugeot Rapport?
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Answers are London stations - over/underground and Docklands. eg Did Abba pass through here? Ans: Waterloo 1 Haunt of a famous songbird 2 Shall we ever understand this Radio 4 game? 3 How much is this...

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