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Can any one recommend a program to scan my computor registers and fix any problems, preferably freeware or trial.
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Did anyone watch the programme re above? This latest fad involves youths armed with their camphones tapping an innocent man/women/teen/child on the shoulder and when the person turns around they get...
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Why does political correctness use the word "political"? What have politics got to do with it?
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What do you call yours? Tea, supper or dinner? I call it dinner.
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Hi, my team at work is desperately looking for something to do with a day off after winning a competition at work. There'll be 8-10 of us with about ?35 each to spend, plus spending money, any time...
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the s star
best cheese in the world?
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Why is something that is a mess often referred to as a horlicks, as in: "he made a right horlicks of that"? What's a bedtime drink got to do with it?
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can anyone recommend a typing tutor software program for an 11 year old...thanks
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I will be chucking my computer away soon and I would like to know how to retrieve things (previously deleted) so i can save them to disk. Any of you know how to do this? Also how do I delete from my...
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I have had huge problems changing from narrowband to broadband with Tiscali.  They include misleading & downright incorrect information given by "customer care" staff & being double...
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I just caught the tail end of a prog. on radio 4 and they were discussing something named bloggs or a blog or was it blocks???? It was all a bit fresh to me , but I think that it refers to a means of...

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