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stuck on last few please kingdom to lose, needing horse principally, in play ??s???o street work's next to visit in US [two words] ?T???Y many thanks...
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last one please F_M_U_L_S_W_R_S worlds of satsumas rocked by the ultimate pith three words many thanks...
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last one please light unit for chimney space i have L_M_N is it lumen? and if so can you tell me why, what relation does it have to a chimney? many thanks...
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help please! locally ennui has defeated terrible unions un???y?l?i?n?es many thanks...
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last two please - my previous post seems to have vanished!!! beverley getting one New Labour politician be_i_ outside broadcast quitting blue picture s_e_e many thanks...
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last one please! outside broadcast quitting blue picture s_e_e ???scene many thanks...
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help with a couple please!! with stronger reason _ _O_T_O_N of lands round Syria etc _ _A_ E_S_E_N something EASTERN?? many thanks...
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complex network ?a?e probably really simple i know! many thanks...
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last one please Look brave when holding unnamed man back B?H?L? many thanks...
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please ignore the previous comment. I have looked in the dictionary and see that a lunk is a 'blockhead' many thanks...
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thanks for the anwers to 1 down clunk but i don't understand what a LUNK is !!!
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1 down metallic noise of carbon blockhead c?u?k ?clink, chunk or something else!!! many thanks...
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morning Help please, dear place? it's reportedly beyond river R?T? many thanks...
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help please with the last few. Police get name of grass ?a?o charge of monster without monarch p?l? writer going to south africa for this hill ?e?o many thanks...
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Help please! Treaty, agreement ?e?t rare, deficient, incommon ?i???e all help appreciated....
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help with last one revolutionary on ship-what happens on board? c?e?s ??crews many thanks
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hi am having problems with the two long clues 10 across-- desperate struggle for people fighting age three words ??c?a?a?n???i?e and 18across--proper car given to a chap, a US property seller, three...
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any help please all lettering in a mess due to this dangerous thing according to pope (three words) i think the letters are a?i?t?e?e?r?i?g many thanks
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any help please all lettering in a mess due to this dangerous thing according to pope (three words) i think the letters are a?i?t?e?e?r?i?g many thanks
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any help please 1a game people left in ship ???r?s many thanks

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