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The canoe couple Anne & John Darwin are getting more news coverage than murderers and rapists. Six armed police escorted her off the plane in Manchester for goodness sake. On the BBC news at lunch...
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I am not very politically minded and do not wish to start a discussion on politics but between the two major and labour they have been in power about 26 years between them....
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Well I am really p****d off Nikki has been voted off X Factor and that brother and sister act Same Difference are through to the final. Nikki has an amazing voice and she's gone. Same Difference are...
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I started a new part time job 3 weeks ago, the boss came to me yesterday and explained that she was taking the other staff out for a Christmas meal on Sat 15th Dec, I was very welcome to join them but...
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Goodbye from Bertie 3,3 the 2 three letter words are the same i.e. pompom, tomtom, cancan. Can anyone help ?? TIA.
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I have just watched the prog on ITV about the so called celebs coming out of that jungle. It showed Christopher Biggins kissing his partner Neil, and also Neil bringing him champagne whilst Biggins...
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Anyones help please, COLD WAR COMEDY....8 words 3,8,3,6,3,8,3,6 TIA
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As you can see I have had to go green again, pussnboots has been all messed up. My profile is gobbledigook and I can only use pussnboots on the old style AB, also it showed my start date as the year...

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