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how much food should i feed my american kestrel and what food would it preferbly have?
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4-2 to barcelona
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What type of computer was used in hondas asimo for movement, gesture etc recognition ?
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Where can i buy some muscle wires ?
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Does anyone know how many games England has to win to qualify for the world cup or do they have to win every match ?
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Do barcelona still have a chance of winning the UEFA champions league or are they knocked out ?
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How much will the honda asimo humanoid robot cost ?
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Anyones predictions for England vs Kazakhstan on june 6th, i think England 3-1 Kazakhstan
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i think England 3-1 Kazaksthan
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When is Torres' next signing, when you take pictures or he signs your shirt and so on... ?
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can anyone please tell me where i can get england tickets please for front row seats or near thtat area :) ?
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Does anyone know when the concorde will be able to fly again with passengers or wont it?, if so when would it fly again ?
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ive looked up some skills on youtube for fifa 09 and i cannot use the "flick over head" in an actuall match but i can do it when its jus you(ronaldhino) and the goalkeeper, can anyone please tell me...
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Does anyone know where i can get a cheap, small(small enough to be put in a tank)shark from ?
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Hi, can anyone tell me the na,e of this song or is it the real title as described
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Hi, plz cann anyone tell me all the songs in american pir 2, ireally like them but i forgot them):. Thanx
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I recently got given an xbox 48 hour trial from my mate and i click on redeem code but it tries to sign me in to xbox live in which i havent got obviously thats why i got a 48 hour trial and it...
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My cat has recently started to poo in the bath and wee at the bottom of the stairs, but normally she would do that outside and i dont know why she has started to do it inside? Can anyone please tell...
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my mate told me about this song and i really liked so i want their cd for xmas and i wanted to know the cd and on other websites they say its sung by two women but to me it sounds like a is...
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Hi, on one of my snakes they have a lump near the end of their tail around the bum area does anyone know what this is and how can i heal it. Thanks

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