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who dose the voice on the picture lones tv ads and he dose nestle hole grain and he did once the dfs tv ads before thomas craig. does anyone now who he is?
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who is the girl in the latest pc world ads is it a girl who was on a tv ad once talking about bacteria? And if its her then whats she called?
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Are ther any dating sites with photos of girls that I can meet and chat to?
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I now the music in the land of leather ads is the eye of the tiger.But who dose the talking is it karl howman?
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Are there any sites were I can here ice cream tunes
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Last night I read the local paper on the dating part and found someone and rote the box number and posted it in the letter box. What chance have I got of her sending a letter back?
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Dfs tv ads who dose the voice for it is it thomas craig?
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Picture lones tv ads who does the voice for it? and he did dfs once.
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Dose anyone remeber a citv show called zzap?and my question is when it had smarty arty on what was the classical music called in it I no it isnt vivaldi and im in to classical music.So can any one...
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Who dose the latest tesco ads who talks about asda and sanisburys is it Bob Hoskins?
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I sent a radio dj a mesage and when she replyed she put on the end her name and then x. Dose that meen any thing? And shuld I send one back with x on the end.
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I couldent finde a topic on tv so heres my question what has happend to the cbbc presenters?
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The haven ads have a song on that gose staying out for the summer and I fund out it was by dodgy. why as it been removed from youtube? any other sites I can see the video?
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Dose fern britton do the airwick ads?
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Dose tom baker do the Duracell ads?
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Is the song april showers on the new vodafone ad from disneys bambi?
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Radio djs that are female if you are emailing them are you not alowed to ask them out? dont worry I have never tried it.
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Can someone please tell me when it advertises cadburys choclate on coronation street who is the girl in the purple suit holding the dog is it Lucy jo hudson who youse to be in coronation street? And...

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