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Should have asked a question methinks....I am toying with changing my boiler,any recommendations as to the most reliable at the moment?
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Now and again the message "cannot display the page" crops up .We switch the modem off for a few minutes and all is O.K. again when switched back on.(sometimes). Just how often does the...
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when you turn into the right hand lane of a duel carriage way do intercate left.
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i do not like the service they provide anymore, everytime i need help with something, they cannot help me, as they say different things each time i phone. ridiculous. is there an alternative to sky,...
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Did anyone watch this?if so what did they think...
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That should of course be percent symbol
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Sorry to raise this again,but I can't find the answer, could someone educate me as to how I access the precent symbol on the keyboard please
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What will Audrey do??..... Lewis meets up with old client Lydia Radcliffe, Meets her at the airport he's already decided to move abroad & not tell Audrey. He and Lydia jet off to Barbados...
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I love my soaps, but is anyone else fed up with Douglas spying on Charlie.Also the Mark Wilder story has gone on far too long.Does anyone else agree or have a different opinion?...
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Hi, digibox did not record this Wednesday's episode. Is this repeated anytime. I can find it on Iplayer
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My other half is Scottish and I'm getting used to the various strange terms they use for things (bucket = bin, bunker = kitchen counter etc). He recently referred to people who steal off washing-lines...
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When and how do we get stv hd on sky or freeview. I've tried it here in Bonnyrigg but cant get it. Either Sky or Freeview and I do have a HD tele and I do have Sky + with HD.
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Has anyone tried this, and does it work??
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Hi guys just after a bit of advice. I own a 03 Ford Fusion. IN the manual it says they suggest that the cam belt is changed every 100K or 10 years whatever is the sooner. This i believe this is rather...
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Any scottish abers been watching this?
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At present I have a Sky+ system attached to a Panasonic HD (1080p) ready TV. NO built in freeview or other system in TV Before adding Sky HD which will mean a new box and an extra cost a month - I...
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I've just got one of these and, generally it is very good except, BBC HD is always out of sync it appears the picture is a bit in front of the speech. The lip symc facility in the menu does not...
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I've obviously missed something but Sally is conspicious by her absence at the moment, can someone remind me where she is?
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I've been looking around various sites to see if there is such a thing as a twin tuner Freeview PVR with HD capability with hard drive and DVD/Blue Ray playback facility. (not looking for much eh!) Is...
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At last they have got rid of Jason....yeS!!! I don't think Brendon should let them get into little groups and plan the others voting off so they all stay on for what seemed like forever.! Its just not...

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