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9ac Ex-president, complete a*se to Spain (7) _ _ L _ N _ _ 17ac Bush shows what's needed to take down a dictator ? Henry goes "Sonofab*tch is telling porkies" (5,3,7) S _ O _ T/_ _ /C _ _ _ _ _ thanks...
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anyone struggling like me? It's either Kew or Kensignton Gardens (John Rose was the pineapple grower) but who was the Pennsylvanian businessman's daughter who died in 1986 who is buried nearby?
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Heterogenous juxtaposition nine years into the last millennium (5) A _ _ _ X Verse in turn of the century depiction of computer accessory (4) _ _ D E Thanks
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Ex-editor's wrinkly organ (5) O _ D _ E Pound Cameron's head to get on (4) C_ G _ Prince seen after wild LSD party (4) _ D_ P As ever, why? Thanks
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Switch clients as "madam" does? (4) C _ N _ (and why?, please. Thanks
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23ac Mock serious stiff one when embracing Penny (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ N26ac Agreeable schedule that keeps Brenda and co. going (5,4) C_ _ _ _/_ _ _T21d Undercover items? The last things we'd print (6) S_ _...
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Old Bob to go in for Order of the Brown Nose (makes terrible reading) (6) _ _ _ _ _ L Goddess Nigella's tip: "Cover wrinkly old chicken with titillatingly erotic starters" (6) _ _ _ _ _ E Is an...
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one means of getting rise out of King George entering by way of one (6) _ _ _ G _ A good cocaine, speed and ecstasy - a doddle for our students (4) _ C _ E for whome brenda sat in arse-over-tip state...
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Rev. Blair's mouthpiece spins a lot, brainwashes - devious Alastair's head must go! 2,7,6,4 S_ / A_B_O_ _ / _A _I _H / _E_ _ If first two are "St. Ambrose" then last letter of last word is E ie S_ /...
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Novelist who's 80% defective? (4) _ _ _ S China boobs at the start, getting intimate (5,3) _O_ _ _/P_L Flesh and blood male dominated by Brenda (5) R_A_ _ Steel's second promise (5) S _ _ _ _ "Yield...
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Pilgrim has not finished with judge one is following (4) _ A _ I ta
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sorry - I said 5,5 for the follwing clue when it should have been 10 OBN candidate gets to be repellant penetrating a dog (10) c_ _ _ s_ _ _ e_ also One who wipes tart (8) s_ _ _ _ _ e _ thanks
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OBN candidate gets to be repellant penetrating a dog (5,5) c_ _ _ s/ _ _ _ e_
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Means of corporal punishment has our leftie Daves arse-over-tip (6) _T_A_S As one back on Tory front bench, Nick overturns lives (5) B_R_S I've got possibilities for both but can't see why. Any...
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study hard to get return of these marbles (4) _A_S Ta
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More obtuse than usual - any help on the following greatly appreciated Woman squeezing organ-like appendage - a source of caviare (6) Measures taken by old PM to put on a condom (8) beginning with E...
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I've got all the answers but not all the famous people who have appeared in Pseuds Corner over the year (note - one is a company name) WILLIAM _ E _ S _ _ _ G A _ G_ L _ _ L _ Y _S _ S _ available...
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Sorry to push this again but I don't like the previous answers given Turn soundly, which makes central heating right (4) _H _ R been given whir and char as (?) guesses but don't like Ta
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Turn soundly, which makes central heating right (4) _ H _ R Thanks
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13 ac For fear of trouble stayed a bit (4 letters) _ E _ T

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