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Possible perch for bird - R _ I _ (4) Rail? Why? What a struggle this week. Many thanks
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Well , still strugging with Mudd. 4a Official drop:then look to take cover (8) _ I _ _ _ _ _ T and 6d cereal a tenth eaten, something warming concealed within?(6/4) _ _ T _ N_ /H _ A _ I don't see it...
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Well, you all seem to be done! 13a Change 10 into 10p, English, then Italian (10) _ L _ R _ _ _ _ _ _ . Florentine? Why? and 4a Official drop : then look to take cover (8) _ I _ _ _ _ _ _. Not getting...
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1a Strip laid back? Male isn't excited (9) _ _ _ _ A _ T _ _ and 10a Senior citizen sheltered by senior service man (7) _ _ L _ I _ R. They've got me foxed. Many thanks in advance.
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27A Turn to cross following Earl of Oxford and Essex (8) _ S _ E _ E _ _ Nothing to do with Devereaux or de Vere?? and 1A City centre of Banbridge, say (8) _ _ W _ T _ _ _. Thank you!
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Hi can anyone help please what 6 letter word links TAKE A - - - - - - DRY
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10d in the new testament, a jewish doctor of the law 6? - c - i e. 1d the nineteenth letter of the hebrew alphabet 4? k - p -. . kaph fits but is the 11th letter. qoph doesn't fit with the k. any...
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24d hairpiece included in headgear for men (5) C???S and 29a One thing that stops historian producing novel (4/4) ?D?M/?e?e is it Adam somebody? Thanks in advance
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13a Financial problem that causes the balloon to go up (9) _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ n and 22d Horse required for waggon or buggy ? (3-3) No idea. Many thanks I think it could be gee-gee but seems a bit silly!
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16d No problem for president to find comfort zone (4,5) easy _ _ A _ R - I thought it was easy peasy, but not! Also 23,25d Birds without ice in ring: little fits with this (5,3) _ _ T _ T/M _ L. No...
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27a Former authority concerned with former transgressor (5) R _ E _ _ and 28a Nasty rogue, tall youth on the booze (5,4) _ _ G _ Y/ _ O _ _. If an anagram, I sure don't get it. Thank you
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14d carol singer used to be the bane of Israel(9) ????A???? and 24a Chemical element caused fire, universal when the man's around (7) - thanks
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Not doing well at all this week! 4d Aim at work coming back after some disturbance in Asian region (11) M?S???T???? and 13d South African party goes in for dealing with oil as a way of coping with...
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4a Type of publishing having problems in fairness. (8) _ A _ S _ R _ F. Thank you in advance
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OK - I give up! 7d Farm cook chopping head off(5) _ _ I _ E and 23d The art of shipping (5) _ E _ F _ . Thank you.
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29a How hospital linen marked, perhaps, as fresh (7) ????A?D and 27d Dress up for card game(4). Thanks in advance.
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River of Western Queensland feeding Six Mile Waterhole: L?N?A CREEK One who develops ideas for Disney themes parks: I?A?I?E?R
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11a Body of water between Canada and Greenland (5,6) I may have done something wrong! D ? V ? S/? T ? A I T? Davis/devon strait??? Not working for me. thanks in advance.
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8d Agreeable Spanish saint enters the fold (8) N?E?S?N? and 17d Foot fault for a peasant (9) ???P???T. It looks like anapest(?) Am stuffed on these two! Many thanks
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Not quite there! 22a Dying general captures island (9) ??R?S?I?? and 20d Start to mark spy with a dye (7) M?????? At first I thought it was manjeet but that doesn't work. Many thanks

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