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Who is the best lord? Lord Of The Rings, Lord Of The Flies, or Lord Of The Dance.
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Fish the Mod
Oliver is nearly four and no longer has a bottle, in fact he dismissed this at an early age. The problem is that he wakes up at about 4 am most mornings requesting his dbottle ( it must be milk). My...
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What would u expect to have to pay for a creche or a childminder for an infant 3 months old? 5days a week 8-6pm....anyone had any experience paying?
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Or rather this should be "WHICH ORGANISATION" but I wanted to continue the theme.... What would you do if you worked for an organisation/ company where: * 29 have been accused of spousal abuse * 7...
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Anybody got any ideas as to how I get rid of my enormous bags under my eyes? I'm only 24, yet I look about 30.
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He i have a question, quite important to me. Has anyone around just now had an abortion before? ii really want to no a few things hanks anyone in advance xx
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Lindy Loo
The ?Other? button?could this have a box so the ?other? reason can be given? I won't expand, but It might highlight the miscellanous reasons for you .
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Please ban Bernardo. His answers are just downright vile.
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I'm a 13 (14 in november) and i weigh 10stone and i am 5,5, i don't know if i'm fat or not, i wear size 10 clothes (english size 10) but in some shops clothes which don't fit me, make me feel really...
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Interesting email today set this poser : It is time to elect a new world leader, the 3 candidates are - 1) Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist. He's had two mistresses....
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This not supposed to be a heavy debate but this email also did its rounds today : "If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally...
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Does anyone know of any, if any, health risks associated with being on the pill at the age of 13?
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Despite setting up a direct debit with them, my electrcitiy company have informed me they have not charged me for electricity for 3 years. I now face a hefty bill. What are my rights? Do I have to...
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If my child is sick am i entitled to look after him and still be paid or is it to be unpaid?
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which eye infection known as pink eye
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it is sickmaking that someone is openly saying that thye smack thier child for being ill!! As for some of the answers received - well lets just say Banardo springs up yet again with abusive comments!!...
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i have quite big thighs how can i tone them up.
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I have reported two posts in People & Places. Please delete them urgently.
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I have just seen the beheading of Ken Bigley, absolutely disturbing and so unbelievably heart breaking. After he was beheaded, his head was on the floor and I swear he had a hole in his head as though...
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i have stretch marks at my thighs and hips- what can i do to help prevent anymore appering. and why are they appering

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