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Good morning everyone - still getting used to clocks going forward and back, so this could be posted at any time. Thanks again to the stalwarts for manning the life boat whilst I was away, and now...
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substance derived from the beans of a tropical evergreen tree related to cotton and okra the nickname of jazz musician edward kennedy ellington uk prime minister from 1970-74 programme of events in...
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wow lysander is hit of the week with a perfect score 4 out of 4 back pack coast guard english mustard kiss curl lysander 19 grannydi 13 cliffyg 12 lots on 10 and 9 should have stopped at week 4 i...
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Here are the details for today Television series based on the beaches and shores of the British Isles, first presented by Nick Crane Collective noun for a group of hounds or wolves, also an organised...
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This is 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) here for the final March challenge, Good Morning all, As this is my last week of setting the links I decided to write something about my home town (well city actually)...
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This is 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) here again, Good Morning all, I am writing this as I sit freezing in my house, surrounded by furniture. My front door and conservatory door are wide open as the carpet...
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Good morning everyone - for this, the final round for March. Yes, I know there's another weekend to come, but remember I said I'd be away next weekend and the one after, so April will be 'late' as...
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This is 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) here again, Morning all, Just over a year ago my daughter and her friend took over a shop in Lichfield and launched [I] The Sewing Shop [i], which, as the name...
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Good morning everyone - well we've landed smack into Autumn here with rain and cool nights ..... Oh bliss !! But what's the betting we have a cold wet Easter and we'll be whinging again. Could be some...
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This is 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) here, Morning all, As you have probably noticed from my avatar one of the passions in my life is visiting car boot sales. (I sometimes sell at them too) I have been...
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Good morning everyone - Lovely day here, if you happen to like the tropics !! Hot, humid, and yucky, not my favourite at all, but I can stay put near the fan and not doing much, the change won't come...
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Morning all, I have spent the last few days in the seaside town of Brixham, Devon, staying with my daughter and her family. It has been SO cold that I haven’t really ventured out apart from watching...
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Good morning everyone - busy busy day, so I'd better get this done before I forget, but ...... This is the start of a new month which will have to be a 'short' one, likewise the first week of April,...
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(Posted by gen2 as kawakiri is having computer start-up problems this morning) This is 'Emperor Kawakiri'. For my final week I take my challenge words from my work experience. My first job was with...
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Good morning everyone - Summer's having another blast at us this weekend, hot humid windy and maybe thunderstorms !! what I wouldn't give for a nice frosty nippy morning ... grr Four to keep us on our...
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This is 'Emperor Kawakiri'. As I said in my week one introduction my home county is Cheshire, also known as the County Palatine of Chester. “What have the Romans ever done for us?” Well I suppose...
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Good morning everyone - another month galloping by, and hopefully the last of our really hot weather, we're not enjoying this batch at all as the humidity is high, but no rain, just thunderstorms that...
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This is 'Emperor Kawakiri'. Well here we are in week two and hopefully being a little more predictable with my link choices than I was last week. This week’s words are inspired by 'Hallmark' Day....
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Good morning everyone - early start again, busy day ahead, well afternoon really, and we're off out to lunch first so getting the important things out of the way !! Will we have another cascade of...

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