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5d In a way relating to building design (15) Started to put in Architecture but doesn't fit. A?C?I?E???????Y 26a Cencelling out (10) ????I?????
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36d dagger marks in punctuation (5) O?E? 22d Member of the greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno S?O?C 41a resembling as gland 970 ?D?N???
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MY GOODNESS, these clues get more difficult every week! 23a In statistics, the spread of a number of events occuring randomly in sa fixed time at asn asverage rate. (7,12) ???S?O? D???R?B?????
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7d Athletes must not take it Last clue. Thanks...
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Help please! 9a Capable (10) P???I?I??? 4d Now that I remember (4,2,5,2,2) ???E ?O ?H?? ?O ??? 21a Especially, in particular (3,5) ??T?E??? 25a Descend or deteriorate (2,8) ?? ?O?N???L Thanks...
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1d Very many (9) T?O?S?N?S. 23a Paints and paintings first mad popular in the 1950s. 13d Excluded, banished ?R?R???S?D
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Just one more, thanks in advance. Bird of prey (6) R?P?O?
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Not doing very well this morning. Too much sunshine! 1a Using the edge and tip of a sword (3,3,6) 4d 180 degree manoeuvre (10) ????A?O?N?...
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Done the Prize Crossword but stuck on Lancelot. 14a Overwhelming tiredness (10) E?????T??? 2d resembling a root (8) ????R??? 15d Words of salutation (3,3,3) ??????G??...
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Last clue here. 30a Surname of singer-songwriter Beth and playwright Jo (5) ?R?O. Had "Ditto"to start with but that's wrong.
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Oh Dear, thanks for the previous answer of rhesus but that means my 21d is wrong. Female name meaning dedicated D?N?H. Is it Dinah?
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4 across marred ???????h 13 downsystem of compressed gas?n?u?a?i?s 24 across occuring in instalments ????o?i? 12 across timeliness p?n?t?a???? 6 downlily like plant??????l?s 5 down knowing many...
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Having great difficulty with this one today. Been away 3 weeks, must be out of practice! 14d London District (4,2,4) ???E OF ??? 16d An annelid (9)????H???? 1d Pretend to be asleep (4,6) If I get...
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9a Curios, one offs R?R?T?E?, 2d Coveted ?N?I?D Thanks...
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Just two more for this one. 26a Scour (7) ?L?E4??? and 28d Substantial, firm (5) ??O?D
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Last one in this crossword. 8d Imcomplete quality. (10) B?T?H?N?S The only one will fit is Bitchiness. Is this right?
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Just one left. 13d Embezzling. (10) D?F?A?D?N?
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Help please, struggling today. 4d Large thick skinned animal eg elephant P?O?Y???M 3d Curubitaceous plant bearing thick orange fruit and pulpy flesh P?L?K?? 37A Temporary reduction in electrical power...
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Stuck on a few here. Usually able to finish. Any help appreciated! 1a Superficially novel (8) ???M?C?Y 2d Frigidly (5) ??I?? 12a Scornful (7) ???I?A? 22a Monotonously (6) G???T? Thanks...
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11a Michael ...... producer of films for Ealing Studios (6) ?A?C?N. 6a Aztec Emporer overthrown by Cortes (9) ?O?T?Z?M?. 29a Joseph Lewis... Astronomer and mathematician 1736-1813 (8) ?A?R?N??. Thanks...

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