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I am off to NY in a few weeks, have never been before. We will be there for 4 nights, including my birthday. Can anyone suggest the best things to visit (especially anything unusual), and any good...
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My niece is 3 weeks old and seems to have some difficulty breathing. She seems to miss an occasional breath, or to sounds a bit phlegmy. They took her to the docs, but she was ok that day so he said...
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I am going to a wedding in scotland on saturday and i want something new to wear but i am quite broke and quite lazy. I live in Reading. Any ideas on where I can get something nice?
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My friend has cut the inside of his lip playing football and it looks a little infected. He doesn't have a fever or feel too bad, it just hurts a lot. Any advice on what he can use to help it heal and...
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Why can't you use your mobile in a petrol station? Is it actually dangerous to anyone?
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I am hoping to buy a house in the next few years, but still have quite a bit of debt to clear first (various type, bank loan, 0% credit card etc). Would a bank or building society offering me a...
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Is there anywhere you can play tetris for free online. I mean old-school tetris rather than any fancy stuff! Thanks
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My Audi has a bump on the front right wing which looks like it may have come from inside. It's very strange, just a little dent outwards which looks like about the size as if it was caused by a piece...
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Hello, I am trying to find out the history and meaning of the surname Scourse. I have been unable to find it on any of the websites which search for you. Any ideas?
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Anyone know what song has the lyrics 'I could not love you more' at the end of almost each line. An ex sent it to me in a letter and I never managed to find out what it was! Thank you
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HAs anyone ever died attempting this?
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ICAS or IVAEW - which is the harder accountancy qualification? which is more respected?

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