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15D CONVERT TO MUSLIM RELIGIOUS SYSTEM I///M/S/ Would be grateful for hep - my last clue!
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26a purely outward or superficial E/T/R/A/ 33a forestall or prevent something from happening O//I/T/
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can someone please help, my last clue Organic processes in cells or organisms involving modification of chemical compounds necessary for life ME?A?O?I?M Is metabolism?
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Stuck on last two 28d congenital disease,skin scaly, fishlike I/H/H/O/I/ 43A make false accusaton with malicious intent C/L/M///T/ Help wd be appreciated
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Clicked before I had finished clue! Lack of oxygen in blood due to restricted respiration A/P/Y/I/
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LAST TWO: having one cavity or cell /N/L/C/L/R LACK OXYGEN IN
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3d having same evolutionary origin but serving different functions H/M/L/G/US 38A hinged catch fits into ratationg ratchet to prevent backward movement P//L Should be grateful for help, my last two
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Cathing up after the weekend Stuck on 18a With a side glance -S-C-C-
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thank you semolina, your help is appreciated. is'nt it easy when you see the answer?
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Small low resolution version of bitmapped computer image T/U/B/A/L The L comes from RILL for 24a Is that right?
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was away for the weekend and do not have the clues (or the answers) for Saturdays link words. Can anyone help please?
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Is 15a CASE? Stuck on 19d hydroxide of alkali metal used agriculture -O-A-H And how do you see the phrases matching up? FRAUD SQUAD - CAMERA CASE - TYPE GUARD -ANGLE RAIL????????
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ONLY JUST FOUND THIS PUZZLE TODAY AND HAVE A FEW GAPS, HELP WD BE APPRECIATED 2d create ew version of old card game E/A/T/ Is this ecarte? 11d Aims for travel perhaps T/A/N/ Is this trains? Why? 23d...
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struggling because cannot make 7d which I think is Little Rock and 10a Castrato fit Where have I gone wrong please
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12a stubborn supporter of traditional views D-E--R- 25d Carpentry pin N-I- Assume this must be nail? My last two, should be gla d of help
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thought Ihad only one to go but found this as well!
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dtgk 13A yellow nodules on eyelids X-N-H--A
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original matter from which the elements were formed following the "big bang" Y-E- Should be grateful fr help, my last clue
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original matter from which the elements were formed following the "big bang" y-e- should be grateful for help, it;s my last clue
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thought this would be saga but that does'nt fit can anyone help please

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