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saw a guy wearing a tshirt this morning saying what goes on tour stays on tour. thought criossed my mind. is this solely a male thing? or do ladies do the same on tour ? surely not?
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anything good on itv or bbc? either bbc1 bbbc2 or bbc3 ? bored oot ma tiits
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wello its vodka. but . what with it? coke zero ? sprite lite ? or diet irn bru? hard decision to make on my own. help please folks. or could go mental and take redbull in it ???
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really fed up and just cant be bothered? see when you do . wots the answer? derink ? drugs? what do you do to remove the pain from your brain ?
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just wanted to post to little legend. hes 5 today and the cutest little boy in the world. hes clever , handsome , and shy too. so happy birthday little legend xxxx
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legend758duo well im chillin out hows everyone else? knobby see if you like this . : - )
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is love only a feeling ? or is it more ? surely its just a chemical reaction ?
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reading this morning about the gay joke in a thread and changing attitudes . now i know folk get quite worked up about the idea that homosexuals may be getting too much exposure . and that they are...
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wekll as you all know ive semi adopted a cat , called him ginger. he comes to the shop n gets fed. he sometimes lies in the window of the sex boutique. amyway. this afternoon hes had his first kill....
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is there something ion the water bac k home ? or is it the onset of winter? because ab seems a touch quieter and alot of the questions appear very similar . where are you all hiding? get otu from...
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following on from foreskins . who thinks all women should be circumcised ? female circumcision , is believed by some to reduce promiscuity among young women. as it removes the sexual satisfaction....
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bored bored bored bored bored boredbored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored are you ?
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overheard some when going on a 1st date . is it too presumptious to carry a condom with you? this is a question to both women and men. it would seem to suggest youre expecting a certain amount of...
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why do cheap cornflakes taste like cardboard? cheap sugar puffs taste like polystyrene. but cheap rice krispies tasste the same and even snap crackle and pop ??? im confused by it all : - )
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hi folks got a lot on today . helping my mate with some more shopfitting grrrrrrrr anyways im thinking of you all. yes even you : -) xx. have a good day and i will be on araounnd 3.30 after a shower...
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people go on and on and on and on and on and on and on about it. its a big bropther society , theyre watching us. they wanna give us id cards. theyre spying on us. i have a right to privacy. its...
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ive just been chilling today. thinking. now women are lovely. beautiful creatures indeed. created to keep man company. do his bidding , cleaning , cooking , etc. but over the last century theyve...
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weve seen the problems it brings to relationships . the mcartneys for example . tho there are those that will argue the money got him the woman in the first place . that aside . do you think that...
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good morning answerbankers. just wanted to say hi to you all this fine sunny day. im feeling good and hope you are too. so miaooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww : - )

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