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hers a question that has crossed my mind more than a few times . ive only been online for 16 months but i know folk who have been on a lot longer on sites like ab and the old cb, that there have been...
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I have an absorbing and trying job. Over the years I have been involved in medical software, integration paradigms, and most recently hairdressing software packages (surprisingly complex). When you...
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As ED is on the ball i bet even the good AB-ers have had some removed. Mine is.... Questions : 7 Answers : 16
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Its 26 degrees in my apartment at night ive got the window open and the ceiling fan on. What do you do to help yourself get to sleep on those long warm summer nights. It really is un comfortable and...
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anyone finding it a bit dull on ab tonight? i thought it was yesterday too and im wondering is it me or is there a general dullness around just now?
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I was having an absolutely RUBBISH day today withboss from bad I was almost in tears. Then,one of the guys told me that he thought I was 10yrs younger than I am-wow! How nice is that! Really...
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I have just found out (from a very reliable source) that my boyfriend has been cheating on me. I had suspected that this "friend" he suddenly had was something more. I found out on Friday and didn't...
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Doc Spock
These were great times. Were they better than now, I think so.
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im having a lovely snakc of some fresh spanish strawberries sprinkled with a little sugar and ive got a can of scooooooooshy cream too. yummy yummy canny beat it its gorgeous btw
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There's a boy I realy like, but i'm not sure if he feels the same. I was told by our mutual friend that he likes me, and my sister keeps catching him staring at me, he also picks on me in a jokingly...
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well ladies following on from another question .someoen posted about ian beale .nutgoneflake to be precise .well anyway ladies .ian beale would you or wouldnt you?please explain your reasons..
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what size shoes do you wear and does it bear any influence over your favourite kind of beer?
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what are the chances it would be banned?
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are there any dislexic users out there?i know of someone on a chat site who is dislexic and they manage tom post quite well. i know some folk on certain sites can be a bit anal about spelling etc. do...
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are there any specs wearers on here? do you wear your specs to bed?to swim? for making love? or do you sit them by the bedside till morning?
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Watching corrie tonight.Now apart from violet and that bint from liberty x theres not a great deal of talent. especially when you look at the over 35 age group. Gails a fish face,deirdre has a turkey...
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They say carrots help you see in the dark and bread ,and crusts make your hair curly. Oysters are said to be good for the sex drive. If you cant afford oysters but only a jar of mussels from the local...
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this section seems to be the hub of answer bank so I take my chances...I was given a scottish ?5 last night in the pub and only noticed this morning when reviewing the damage my finances occured...
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do/did you have an aunt sally or an uncle tom, do/did either or both of your grandparents eat werther originals and is your brother heavy
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why do men think they can treat women like rubbish and we will always come running ? im off men for life :( xx

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