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cotsetaksteadea (7,8) qtislroniuscaei (9,6) cmocirenesace (8,5) heltprebateltsa (8,7) repronjelsagela (10,5) witlpsonilas (5,7) dokwaftsnicftys (4,5,6) owglertsanrishire (8,9) thanks in advance.
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- - - - - - - - - - / - - - 10,3 Thanks in advance
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copstlafliplirfhlitgo (7,5,9) owglertsanrishire (8,9) dokwaftsnicftys (4,5,6) witlpsonilas (5,7) zawpzenmlpatnearlfleblidosa (5,3,10,9) repronjelsagela (10,5)
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28) - / - - - - - / - - - - -/ - - -/ - - - -/ - - - - /- - /- - -/ - - - - - (1,5,5,3,4,4,2,3,5,) 22) - - - - - - - - -/ - - - - (9.4) thanks in advance.
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28) - / - - - - - / - - - - - / - - - / - - - - / - - - -/ - - / - - -/ - - - - - (1,5,5,3,4,4,2,3,5) 29) - - - - - -/ - - - - - (6,5) 22) - - - - - - - - -/ - - - -. i'v had 2 answers for 22...
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15) french apple brandy (8) 20) tip heather in a stew? 21) goes well with liver& fava beans?! (7) 22) deli meat is right in my italian staple (8) 27) mexican oracle in clinch (6,3,5) 29) did you cook...
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rosiotitfoteo (5,8) relictoqtebalius (9,7) lagsfmluro (6,4) xrtemyroekirsuih (9,7) owglertsanrishire (8,9) omnorstcuhocumso (7,9) dogtelsfensloifhe (3,7,7) thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
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1) - - - - - - - - -/ - - - - (9/4) 2) - - - - - - - - - -/ - - - - - (10/5) 3) - - - - -/ - - - -/ - - - - (5,4,4) 4) - - - - - -/ - - - - - - (6/6) 4) - / - - - - -/ - - - - -/ - - -/ - - - -/ - - -...
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1) grandma's favourite curry accompaniment (3,5) 2)drink favoured by "the famous five" (6,4) 3) fermented shredded cabbage, popular in germany (10) 4) consumption might help your figure; part of it...
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- - - - - -/- - - - (6,4) - - - - - - - - - - / - - - (10,3) - - - - -/ - - - - - - - (5,7) - - -/ - - - - - -/ - - - -/ - -/ - - - - - (3,6,4,2,5) - - -/- -/- - - - - (3,2,5) - - - - -/- - - - - - -...
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us forty men fail (6,8) arad too lower (8,4)
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anyone out there any good at slogans?it is to win a spa break run by slimming world/fry light. I would love to lighten up with a Champneys spa stay because.... (no more than 15 words)
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i'm struggling with the last one London museum sounds like a bad swimmer within its portals (5)
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heres a few more i didn't realise the return date was so soon.any help much appreciated. 15) national insurance returns enclosed in an explosive device (9). 17) sear the professor with the animal's...
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4) this owl has flown to the left (5,4) 6)the french follow scattered time of peace at the end of the night (7,7) 9) perplexed old russian emperor is in the orient (7) 10) do a crazy jump at the...
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is anyone out there any good at slogans? (slimming world magazine) complete the sentence in no more than 15 words: I would love to win a special day at the races because.....
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thanks for all previous answers still got 5 to go any help would be appreciated. 1)the moneys a con in a town by the Humber on a stick (8,5) 2) poorly persons churned milk kind (7,6,6) 3)old TV makes...
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1) policeman, policeman (3,4) 2)ananas hefty pieces (9,6) 3)good goods (3,4) 4)bt.s end is the right size (7) 5) little joseph has a rocket launcher (7,3) 6) brown hirsute fungi (7,8) thanks in...
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1) otlblpnialrd (8,4) 2) rcstaupso thanks in advance
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i'm struggling with the last few 1) two on a bike. 2)14-11-48. 3) large rock off the west coast of scotland. 4) another pear (i'v got william). 5)get dressed. 6)small. 7) starch

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