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Which type of flower has varieties called Dog ___ or ___ Dog, and Marigold ___ or ___ Marigold?
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in church architecture another name for a fleche emerging from roof where ridges intersect
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1.) A horse jumps over a castle and lands on a disappearing man. What am I on about?? 2.)A man drives up to a hotel and the moment he arrives he realises he's bankrupt. Why? 3.)a person was really...
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Dame Babs
Does anyone else remember a sitcom during the 70's with the above title?  I'm trying to remember what the name of the actor who played the young man, I think his characters'  name was...
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Which Emmerdale animal was called either Jenny or Amos?
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in which 1950's film is the main character,his wife and five of his children
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Who sang the song John Kettley Is A Weatherman?
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can you name any football manager who did not play football professionally in his career
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anybody out there any good at writing tie breakers for a general knowledge quiz i could do with your help as i've racked my brain and just come up with nothing please help many thanks
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A rock star, weapon, and a Texas legend all share the same handle...what is it?
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a female high energy singer the song is called action
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scottish footballers named charlie

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