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Almost done but one clue is proving hard to get!! 2 down. Removed seat, leg opposite is rotten. The answer is either 7 or 8 letters long. Cheers!...
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4d Attack leg with swift impetuos forward movement [6] Can only be onrush but can't see why
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William's firm met failure in recession with trunks (9). I think it's trunks, was trucks. Answer appears to be "resolutes" I can see loser and William is probably Shakespearean ref. but...
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cornelia 1
The answers are either a flower or vegetable. will try try describe 1. Picture of a Black bird (crow/raven) + SWEAR (written under it.) 2. Curved arrow with the letter I P written on the slant under...
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36a Check short section of bible(4). Have quotation and all that, but stuck in this corner completely....
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Shakespeare's cross note in rising was fluent (4-4) possibly _e_i-_o_f...
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Don't speak about glossy cover. (6) s_e_t_ looks like sheath but can't see wordplay apart from sh
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Amphibians spread near California (4)
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Hamilton's fairly obsructing Raikkonen at first (4)
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Anyone help please? Answers are models of cars 1 A farce, a blatant deception 2 Military leader of Japan 3 An inexperienced person Many thanks
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can anyone explain why my extra letter in 14a is "a" not "l"?
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Dee Sa
Travels to the Continent and maintains Tory beliefs [ letters] keeps to the -- -- a -- t but the a could be wrong. help appreciated Dee
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does anyone know if euoi is a word please ?
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Can anyone answer the following please - "Green type of bacteria assume extremely odd-looking shape" 10 letters. Cheers
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Foolish sculptor chipping latest outside in shorts? (8) -o-m-e-s Looks like "gormless" but can't fathom wordplay.
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Almost completed grid but can't figure how to treat such non-words as 'husoney' . 'mainfry', 'darave' and 'shamsmum'. I would be really grateful for a small hint as to relevance of TV eg...
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have shaded squares but cannot see 10 E-UN-E or 33 DERE- can anybody help please?
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plotter supports country with new leader - a man like Johnson. L_XIR_P___ (10)

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