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can anyone tell me who sang o christmas tree (5.5) JOY TO THE WORLD (6.8) and Christmas is my time of the year (5.5) thanks in advance...
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1. golf player and famous actor 2.good man, what happens if I bale out of the blimp 3.its the reason we are able to hear 4.presented to those who get knotted after 1st and 13th the choices are - AHA,...
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Help please! This is one of the "downright difficult" questions under category "Soundtrack of the Cinema". The letters are mixed up in alphabetical order and the given clue is...
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54. a kind of whalebone crinolene(11) 58. in abundant supply, of little value (3,1,5). 72. sloppy alteration(5,6). 75. old bead money in north america(6). 82 raps on castle of gold?(4,4). 84 a...
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hello out there does anyone want to swap notes on this quiz. its really hard this time dont you think...
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you might find these strikers in the sky ( 6,7) female name followed by a type of audi (4,6) thanks again...
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1. club on fire 2. it's habit forming thanks in advance...
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1. a very small part of a circle (5,7) 2. 24 carat piece of jewellery (6,7) 3. this would be a very small engine (4) any assistance greatly received...
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answers are pop groups or singers 1. these birds visit us in the summer (5,7) 2. used to build houses (8) 3. several L.I. 150's 10) 4. a bad state to get in (4,7) any assistance is greatly received...
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can someone tell me where the idling screw is on a vw campervan t25 1900cc 1989 please
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Weapons of mass destruction (4) w?ds
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an island in venice italt the business centre of medieval rennaissance venice
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hello, can anyone tell me where the carburettor is on a vw campervan t25 1900cc 1989 petrol model please
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Please can anyone tell me No 2 O O O circa, circa, circa Thanks in advance...
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a couple more (still song titles) 1) GROUND GROUND GROUND with an arrow pointing to the top one 2) Black and White 3) N O W written vertically at both sides of the square...
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names of well know songs OAK ARE 'OL LAL 1000,11000 Any help appreciated...
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Is anyone doing the Giant Mumby quiz , I need help on some of the pictures. No's 4,7,8,&10 Thanks...
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Can anyone help with this last one pleaseeeeeee answer is a Disney Feature Film Bread boy (5,3) Thanks in advance x...
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Help please - last one the dingbat is just a "tick" sign...
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1. Shows the word BANANA twice - one on top of the other 2. the word TROUBL - (the E is missing) 3.the word FROM at the top and the word TO at the bottom 4. picture shows a tape measure opened out to...

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