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3D: Spurs to action limit us badly (7) s?i?u?e -my last clue for this crossword!!
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Help please :o) 1A I'm positive, with European put on (6) 2D A name to criticise a thousand hurts possibly -applied to women? (9) ??t?h?r?t Many thanks!
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These are driving me MAD!!! Help please!! 5D: Blue film gets covering by fellow at speed (two words) 14A: Leaders of France always yield traditional faith 19A: Spanish saint is having anger, about to...
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22a: Invoice takes account of one form of bacteria (7) b?c?l?i 25a: Nothing equal to the first movement (2,3) o?, a?t .Help appreciated :o)
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Last one!! I always get stuck on these 'sound alike' clues! 27d: Sound of bells in IoM town (4) ?e?l -is it p 'peal' (sound of bells) or Peel (Isle of Man town)? Thanks!
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1d: Charm of boyfriend with trendy extremities (5) b?a?t? -Help please!! and explanation of answer would be fab :o) Thanks!
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14d: I leave simple space in centre of church (4) ?a?e 11d: Miss Ireland has good face (4) ?i?l -i'm torn between 'girl' and 'dial' (as the FACE of a watch is a dial) Help please!! and explanations of...
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My first Private Eye crossword - and it's a bit different from the usual Crusader/Daily Mail ones I do!! 24a: He's often mounted Brenda after Daisy and drink (10) l???u????? 16/10a: Prick's excuses...
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10a: It detects source of smoke in church, I hear (6) ?e?s?r (is it sensor or censer?) 21d: Like many plants in a book for young couples man left (7) a?e?u?l (is it asexual? if so, why?) Thanks!
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16d: Incorporated former right while performing (2,7) i? ??n???e 19a: Scoundrel, note, is to travel like an insect (6,3) ??d?i? fly 24a: Records siren made out of plastic (5,5) vinyl ???i? - help...
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22d: Hebrew king not initially keen (4) ?v?d - could this be avid?
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17d: Money terminating yet starting game (7) ?o?g??? Any suggestions plus explanations gratefully received :o) thanks!
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Shore bird caught in long grass (5) r?u?h - I have put 'rough' for this answer, but am puzzled as to how the 'shore bird' comes in to it!! any ideas people? :o)
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21 Down: Tree with one rook (4) a?e? Any thoughts (and reasons) much appreciated for this, my last clue!! Thanks :o)x
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12a: Roll up sail; release top to bottom (4) r?e? 14d: A group of London musicians, and... (4) ?l?o .Any ideas+explanations much appricated!! Thanks :o)
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Last clue!! 22a: PC's speed makes music session a failure - ?i?a?l?p Help please!!
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5a - Like this very much, account you cut (hyphenated): B?L?Y? 14a - Nautical cry over old Orkney island: Y?H? 21a - Cognisant of London town to some extent: O?T? Any answers please? :o) Plus...
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21 Down - Old police climbing to tops of Cairngorms come to pass - O?c?r I think this is 'occur' (come to pass) but where do the old police and Cairngorms fit in? Help please :o)
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My last clue on the Sir Lancelot!! help please :o) 9 Down: Person taken in by Rocker's rival wandered aimlessly (6) ?o?n?d Thanks :o)
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2 Down: Yell (and much more besides): 'Listen lads, hands off!' (8,7) s?e???n? i?l?n?s. Any thoughts much appreciated :o)

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