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Last night i had Blossom Hill White Zinfandel, ice cold out of the fridge, it was superb, whats your favourite summer tiple (the hubby had Becks)?
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Does anyone else think they have lost it with this series, they don't seem to know what the public want to watch anymore, bring back the good and bad side of the house and like when Maxwell was doing...
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what has happened to the food adverts they don't look mouth watering like they used to, I just thought urgh!!
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what has happened with the M & S advert, none of the food looks very tempting, all the others have had your mouth watering this one was ugh!!
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Is anyone else getting a bit tired of Pete, he doesn't really do anything except sleep with the girls, he wants them all falling all over him but doesn't really want to be with them he gets them close...
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I have just read in the Heat Magazine that they have lea's birth certificate and she will be 36 in September. Still can't believe it when it is black and white. I must look really young for my age. so...
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Was anyone else bored with it, I even switched to watch some football. I hated Grace with everyone else but what or who is there to watch now!!!!
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Was anyone else feeling let down last night when nothing happened on BB, I thought the very least someone else going in or a surprise eviction.

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