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The Sherman
One argument to rule them all. this is it. this is the only thread you ever need to read on immigration. There is no argument to this - no rebuttle no even slightly confusing stance on this. I know...
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yeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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primal force.stuck on an island of mad rabid babboons. sounds like whiffy island eh ?
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Well you ABs its been great entertainment again, now off to bed, hope you all have a great week. nite nite
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on blavatskys Isis Unveiled?
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hamburger or hotdog ? chocolate or fruit ? lager or wine ? coke or pepsi ? ice cream or gateaux ?
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is it fair to make art out of tragedy? making films based on true events where thousands, maybe millions were killed...for example - the holocaust, the rwandan genocide and the 9/11 attacks. making...
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A bit more alliteration assembling ? Well, just in case you do, I'll start you off with:- An AnswerBankful of Angrywomen
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If smoking is banned in the work place, then why are they still smoking when they make the likes of corrie and heartbeat, and many other dramas etc, these stars are at work filming ?
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Whats with all the whinging about im gonna go watch tv theyre arguing on cb?It seems very nasty i think ill go off?Has there been an outbreak of amateur dramatics today?A section , cb , thats only...
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Does anyone have an opinion on the fact that ABers who have several aliases can just pull the plug on your innocious threads and posts- at will- and for their own sad gratification- thus rendering the...
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Jus found the courage to post on CB! and wanted to say Hello. Don't be fooled by the name.. I'm really a v.nice person
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Poor britney?Well what do you think is the root of all her troubles?I think you can trace it back to when she split from justin timberlake.They were a couple and had been friends before.I think the...
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and it's probably a really daft question but how do i get this symbol - Although not in this position - at the bottom of the text? (the same distance as it is in position from the top but taken and...
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Does anyone know the name of the tv programme with rod hull and emu in it?Specifically it was something to do with a windmill i think and featured a particulary horrible green faced warty nosed old...
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Silver or gold jewellery ? Pierced ears .Yes or no ? In love or inbetween it ? Young at heart or old before your time ? Clocks ticking ...........................
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politics of anglo saxon religion?
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Astrological ages occur because of a phenomenon known as the precision of the equinoxes. One complete period of this precession is called a great sideral year of about 25,800 to 25,920 years and is...
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peeps get nasty, peeps get nice peeps get angry,peeps get happy peeps get bored,peeps get self righteous peeps get defensive, peeps get offensive! as i said quite funny really!
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Night all im offski.I hope youre all well ill chat tomorrow.Petal maybe next time.Night xx

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