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They arrange competitive games Never heard of any bird laying this...
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12a Flower once familiar with pierced, red leaves (5) I have GOOL?. I believe the answer is GOOLS, which is a type of marigold -- but I have no idea the wordplay. Thanks in advance!...
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last one to finish 77a leap over (5) ?a??t Thanking you...
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1. E . A Composer 2. V. Loma and me with a tin 3. N Decrease a nut that lost a letter 4. C Biblical lesson with a vegetable...
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All answers are towns or cities in the British Isles Could anyone help with my last two please? 43). Left in an ice cream container (5) 49). Condiment tree (7) Also, for No. 21). (Large pebble (5) ) I...
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27 down Daddy following Oscar P?P? 4 letters Should be obvious but I cannot fathom why!...
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4dn. In Greece,Victoria's family heading north east.(4) N?K? 12ac. When to knock off, roughly speaking? (8) ?S?I?A?E. 23dn. Good to go after a weak cup of tea.(5)T?I?G...
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thing propounded _ R _ _ _ S_ _ _ N
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last one. I have a number of words but cant justify any of them to fit the clue. An explanation would be great. thanks xx 19a Happened to be cruel formerly (6) ?e?e?l (I know I'm going to kick myself)
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to jmr27, l considered your word very seriously, i had a break and after a few hours went back on the hunt,trying all avenues,then i checked pied it was correct (clever person) and then checked...

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