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Sorry, not a question, but thank to all who helped me. It's on page 2 (I'm not hot on computers!!!)
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I unfortunately left a 2 L carton of milk in the boot of the car for about 10 days and only discovered it yesterday when it was really sunny and hot. Luckily it was in a plastic bag, but there was a...
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if I want to copy and paste an answer / joke from AB, how can I do it without getting everything on the screen pasted as well? Thank you.
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I want to make a chestnut stuffing this Christmas. I bought a 200gm jar of ready to use chestnuts and one 200gm jar of puree. Does anyone have a tried and true recipe which uses either or preferably...
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Kitchen tap is now working again, Thank you for your help. Much appreciated. Cheers.
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I have a monoblock mixer tap in the kitchen.Overnight it has got really stiff and hard to turn the quarter turn from hot to cold. I don't know how to open it up to look inside, as there doesn't appear...
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I had a piece of root ginger which had a couple of 'buds' on it , so decided to put it into some compost, bag on its head and into the hot press for a bit. It developed a shoot about 3" long, so I...
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Sorry, just realized this should have been posted in shopping!
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Has anyone bought their specs online? If so can you recommend a company if you were pleased with the outcome please. Thanks.
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Does anyone know the name of the nanny who helped some of Britain's youngest mums on the ITV programme last night. I think her first name is Susie. Many thanks.
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What was the name of the nanny who helped the mums with their babies please? Tia.
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Does anyone know of a forum where I can chat with mums (who've been there) & get advice about sleeping, teething & getting routines etc for 6 month old baby. Reassurance I suppose really. Thank you.
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Can anyone tell me which channel this is on and which night it is shown please???
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Does anyone know what channel this is on and what night it is shown please???
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Who's singing on the First Choice advert please and what the song? I'd love it if they've made a record. Many thanks.
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Is it usual for a 17 week old baby to only sleep for 11/2 hours during the day (in total)? He does sleep well at night, settling from 9.30 pm to 4.30 am. Fed again, then sleeping until 7.30 or 8am....
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I know nothing tastes as good as Heinz salad cream, but what would be the nearest substitute in flavour and (?) texture, when mixed through a salad? Definitely not mayo on its own.
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Can anyone recommend a site where I could try to identify a particular bird song which I hear every evening in my garden. I found a couple of sites but no luck with the song.
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Sunday Express skeleton 1 down Popular agent not working (11) 7 down Nag right next to a lovely plant (11) Help appreciated please (and thanks)
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Relating to or charachterised by a pattern of regularly- recurring events (8)

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