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I just dyed all our nice white cloths a pale shade of yellow!! Havn't shown my nan yet, I may get slapped round the back of the head. What was the last household job you mucked up?
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have you seen any swallows returning yet . I'm still waiting ( York)
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What would you do ? I would go crazy , or maybe not , ooo , not sure ....:-o xxx
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The little chicks and daffodils have gone from the AB logo am I the last to notice as usual , how long ago did they go? xxxxx
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can someone briefly explain to me in laymens terms what this is ? and how we are likely to be affected by it. I have 3 mortgages all on fixed rate for the next 2 years, 2 credit cards, a salary every...
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who has the whole package for you?
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So come on, i wanna know who is responsible! I have just been shopping, i get to the till to pay and someone, God alone knows who, has only gone and filled my trolley up with things that shouldn't be...
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A man is in a concrete room. The floors, walls and ceiling are solid concrete with no doors or windows. There is nothing but concrete around him. All he has is an apple and a knife. How does he get...
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How is this possible? Ive read something about wordpad webding whatever that is. Cant ab do something to prevent this? Its now got to the stage you dont even know who youre replying to or if its a...
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Morning all, Its been a hectic w/e with a much needed monday off yesterday. How is everything? Did i miss anything yesterday? Word of mouf. Overlordian.
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Todays word is CLONE. What does it mean to you , in your own words ? Typos blah blah its ok etc etc .
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wow this new trolling of using wingdings is really interesting. How is it done though? I mean do u write the name in wingdings3 and cut and paste it into the user name or something when u sign up? I...
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Why does my dog have so many bad dreams? She has them at least twice a night, and she whines and shakes sometimes vigourously. I know she's having dreams, most probably bad, but why is she having them...
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Good morning everyone. Yay - I have my laptop!!! No stopping me now. Another early start for me, hope everyone's day has started well and that it stays good for you.
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something amazing happened to me last night. Basically my friend who sadly past away 2 years ago used to freeze spiders claiming that it doesnt kill them and they will come back to life. He said he...
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Doc Spock
More gap year back packers dying in far off countries. What do they expect, these are not safe places like you would find in Britain. Why don't they work for a year in age concern shops in Luton or...
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i'm writing a book and i want to say as a passing comment how dolphins are telepathic, i know its more to do with sonic noise but is it similar and can iget away with it??? X
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Is anyone up yet? I have another early start so will wish you all a good day XX
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ladies how many donuts would some one have to give you to bang your brains out?
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I have been trrying to get off the drink now for 56 days with ONE failed day. An hour ago my mum had a TIA (transiet stroke) so after running aroud trying to find my dad and mum now in an ambulance...

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