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according to Zoo magazine there are 15 premiership players who have been sold twice for ?5million or more...who are they ??
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Which team has recieved the most yellow cards this season? (rugby union)
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Does anyone know the date of next seasons Charity Shield?
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If professional tennis players wrote books this is what they should be. 'How to have flawless skin , act like a true lady' and be called pretty when yopur not'.Sharapova. 'How to know when to retire...
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In light of the Over-the-top and unfair press chelsea are getting at this moment in time, i would like to ask a question to Ab's with an Honest and frank reply. Lets say england reach the world cup...
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we apparently cheat,dive,bully refs,are boring,lucky,no one likes us, can't entertain, pay over the top for nobodys, the manager is a w****r, kenyon is a w****r, chelsea fans are w*****s, etc etc etc....
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I am thinking of purchasing a proprty in Egypt. Has anyone got any advice on the do's and don'ts or any pifalls etc.
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who was the first two million pound british footballer
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Fish the Mod
Is it true should Arsenal win the Champions league this year the 4th place team will be booted out to make way for Arsenal

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