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ginger 69

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ginger 69
does anyone know if there are any side effects associated with taking thyroxin?
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ginger 69
did anyone watch jerry springer the opera? i personally found it pretty good, but can anyone tell me if the warm up guy, who was later the devil, was played by carlos the plastic surgeon from holby...
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ginger 69
Can anyone explain why it is that on a table of bank accounts from HSBC (where they list different facilities for each account) it states that a basic bank account comes with either a cash card or a...
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ginger 69
Is it true that barclays use their own credit scoring system and that they dont consult credit agencies?
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ginger 69
since i am having mega difficulties getting a bank account with debit card im thinking of buying one prepaid on the net. Does anyone know how these work and whether its just a scam?
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ginger 69
I am finding it hard to obtain a bank account with a debit card facility. I am not interested in overdrafts or cheque books i just don't want to have to draw all my money out each week "just...

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