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This is a whinge. I went into three travel agents today to see if I could pay for a return airline ticket from America to the UK and they did not want to know! They would all book me a flight to USA...
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Anyone know of a castle/stately home that I can book up for a weekend break for myself and an American friend? It needs to be in Devon, Cornwall, Avon or Dorset because of travelling. I want them to...
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I am in a dilemma. As I am soon to move to a smaller home I have bedroom furniture (wardrobe and new bed which has a secondary spare underneath) , a stowaway bike and a small chest freezer to get rid...
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Can anyone please explain what the term "tight drawing" actually means? I keep reading this description with Renoir and other Impressionist painters.
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I am looking to buy a mobile home. The ones in the area I am interested in are heated by propane gas which does not appeal to me, so I am considering oil. This means having a tank installed and the...
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Friend of mine works as a care assistant in a residential home. Her shift is a 12 hour one with half an hour for lunch and she is on nightshift. Like many places she is expected to do housework during...
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Anyone know if its possible to get a cd of the bells or the peals of them? I am after a good recording (and not Disneys Hunchback of Notre dame soundtrack)
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I have today been notified that steps will be taken by my Building Society to repossess my home owing to non payment of the mortgage. This situation has arisen through basically 3 years unemployment....
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I am trying to get hold of some to help make an open sore start to heal by forming a scab. The Chemist does not sell it now because of some content (?) druggies can use(??)............does anyone know...
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Worked a four night week each of ten hours. Entitled to 4 weeks holiday a year so I think that would have been 16 days pay a year. Worked for August and September inclusive. How much is the holiday...
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Can anyone recommend a decent cook book which give recipes aimed at lowering cholersterol? I have the "Low-Cholesterol Cook Book for Dummies" which is pretty good but American (and some ingredients...
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I'm in the 8th day of an attack of shingles, can any of you recommend a good diet or tonic that I can put myself on to help boost my immune system?
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I erected posts and a garden fence on my property 12 years ago. My new neighbours have just removed all my panels and replaced them with new ones (using my existing posts) This gives me a new fence...

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