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last ones - rather obtuse clues in here...or else it's me can anyone help with the wordplay? 11 dn Flower vacated bed R?s? - must be ROSE but why?? 17ac Politician put on summer wear for a little...
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is there an error in TLS 911? 26ac should be IDEAS but it clashes with 14d which must be CONNOLLY. Can anybody clarify?...
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26 ac Mary Mccarthy associated them with novel (5) I?L?s It should surely be IDEAS but the middle letter must be L to fit the essyaist - so is it ISLES?...
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37 ac A trait passed down the generations - clamouring for attention? (4) Looks like it should be GENE - but why? How does the second part of the clue work?...
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24 dn out of shape, inwardly upset (4) ?R?M...
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25 ac last one... Ultimate yen to capture revolutionary through lack of experience (7) N?I?E?Y it has to be NAIVELY or NAIVETY but I can't see which from the wordplay...
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tough today.. 22 dn Filling in revolutionary copper base (5) O?T?L Octal - as petrol/filling????...
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last one.. 19 dn Change for the worse that makes boy become yob (8) ?e?e?s?l REVERSAL - but why?...
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14 ac. Party going? Not Henry Green -- more Alan Ayckbourn. (6,6) ?a?i?g / ?r?c?s Looks like the title MAKING TRACKS but the wordplay? Why Party?...
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43 ac last one and i can't see the wordplay Bond half-formed in month before one holds a connection (1,4) U ?O?T - looks like U BOLT but why?...
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last one 32 ac: Tie fly when holding rod against current (8) ?i?a?u?e I suspect LIGATURE ... but why?...
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last one Dragon-killer knight who won the heart of Christabell ?g?a?o?r...
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8dn Jack to some extent despatched bugs (4) T?P? - looks like TAPS but why?...
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23 dn Determined to succeed without any daughters droping in Dunfermline. (5) O?R?E This has to be OURIE/OORIE or OWRIE but whicha and why? I tend towards the first DOUR / Determined......
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last one... 12 ac: Horror of painter, having short climb R?S?A? rascal? I can't see this at all asso 2dn DENIM - but why??...
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6dn Girl showing how to get DLA L?n?a - LINDA / LYNDA? And why?...
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15 dn Mark catches the rector out (3,5) ?O?/T?E?E - must be something THERE but blowed if I can see it...
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Last one and tricky: 26 ac Earnestly echoed chant during ruthless cost-cutting (2,5) E? / A?I?O any ideas?...
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5 ac Benefit match initiated by top player (6) ---L-- Totally stuck on NE corner...
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Fiendish this week - last one: Poet's sacred runner down in fifth place, making comeback (4) a?p?...

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