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When asked to what she attributed her longevity at age113, the world's oldest woman replied, "Lack of peer pressure..."
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11) Across. To live with Trevor,backing artist,requires a bit of backbone(8). Is it vertebro? vertebra? and can you please explain why?Thanks in anticipation.
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19d Shame about English reverence ?i?t? (5) 20d Deck stump ?l?o?r (5) (Is it floor?) 4d Person starting to sink ?o?n?e? (7) (Is it founder) Thanks for any help.
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7a Prospect of New Delhi-I look out (10)?????i???d 10a Jersey town (8) ?????g?? 22a City fabric placed on vehicle(8)c?r????? Any help much appreciated.
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Form mere heap of collectables(8) ?p?e?e?a
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The clue to the name of a chain store is: Listen to mother (6) Thanks for any help.
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Can anyone please help?The clue is SHE DEPARTS and the answer is a city or town in the UK.Thanks for any help.
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Names of chain stores. 1) Adopts (7) . 2)Listen to mother (6). 3)Famous money(9) Thanks for any help.
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1)"Course I love you, I live with you don't I?" 2)"I liked it so much I nearly peed my pants" Thanks in advance for any help or leads.
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Name of a city or town in britain .Example : elderly bird = Swanage 1) She departs. Ditloids 1) 3FIAT 2) 10 ON What is the next number in the series 5-8-29-176-?
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A name of a flower .Example Land a wealthy match ,= Marigold 1) I wanted an answer from her
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Example:ATGING = All that glitters is not gold. 1) ARSGNM 2) BLTN Thanks in anticipation.
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Name of a town or city.The clue is : She departs. Name of a flower.The clue is: I wanted an answer from her. What comes next: 5-8-29-176-? Word pairing:cross& ? Any help much appreciated.
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Has anybody got the answers for April 7 and 10 please.
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who was Grinny Granny Wolf's son in the brer rabbit stories? thanks MM x
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hi anyone help me .. 3. do you hear that cattle feed here .. (5) 11. is martin really irish ... (6) 17. silent chips (8) 18)they weigh very different amounts .. (12) 44. more likely to be heard here...
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just need one it is a name of a town what the competitors in the cambridge-oxford boat race aspire to have thanks
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have some questions from a friend..........i have to go out so could someone help please, they are all biscuits 1 Arogant Cookies/ 2 Putting the posh in biscuit/ 3 Lively Fellows/ 4 A touch of Hard...
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is clue is a town in uk 1. a dark scottish stream.... 2. oil contaminates plover... 3. these letters end 'yours sincerely'... 4 might get lit at night.. 5. a short seaside vacation thanks for any help
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jane mark 2
There is a name for people who spend hours on the computer, I have forgotten what it is. It is along the lines of a couch potato for someone who watches a lot of tv, does anyone know? (I put myself in...

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