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Anybody know the name of the music featured on last years Fred Perry advert (the rifle range advert). The chorus goes something like "Totally Cool...Totally High? over a Ska beat. I know some clever...
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What product was advertised in a UK TV advert featuring 1970's John Travolta type in a nightclub meetinghis good looking girlfriend who lights a match from under her armpits
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Anybody know the the title/band featured in the new John Lewis TV advert? Please enlighten me oh great ones...
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Anyone know the name of the WW 2 documentary film about a B17 crew mentioned in a recent History Channel program? Hammo
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Can anyone tell me the name of a track that includes 'turn it up, turn it up' in the chorus. It sounds a bit like the Beastie Boys but, it ain't them - it's twistin ma melon man!! please help..
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Which royksopp track was used for the T-mobile advert early 2003?
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Who is the artist 'behind' the new renault megane advert with the song shake your bum?

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