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does anyone else have my problem which is counting,? (in my head obvuously, not out loud) i count ceiling tiles, flowers/ squares on wallpaper if someone in front of me in a que is wering spots or...
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ok, maybe a strange question this, but......... when you're hugging someone, how long should one do it before releazing the person?
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i just bought myself a new digital camera, its great and so easy to use, but i've got nowt to take photos of, i know, maybe i could take photo's of you gorgous people line up please .
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i'm depressed, just got my first rejection on my new novel. sob, weep :0(
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narnia hi folks, i know this is a long shot, but... the narnia game for nintedo ds lite, where is this secret cave wot the dwarf keeps going on about? i would be grateful if anyone could help, i've...
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if a person has a jamaican father and a white english mother, would that person be clased as half caste jamaican. thanks
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hi folks, i know this is a long shot, but... the narnia game for nintedo ds lite, where is this secret cave wot the dwarf keeps going on about? i would be grateful if anyone could help, thanks
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if you coul live your life again, would you marry the same man/ get the same job? same friends and live the same? or would you have thing different completly?
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poor devilwoman has been banned zapped shot killed or whatever , for no good reason, why do people play these daft games? of reporting others, especially when the've done nowt wrong.
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brendascott, you're doing good, just need 5 more , really quickly : 0)
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just got in , please tell me who,s out? thanks
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saturday today, having a nice relaxing day, going to see joseph and his amazing techniclolour dreamcoat tonighty at the alhambra, where are all ye lot going?
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what do you call a hundred nuns in a shop.?
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i have just noticed everytime i post an answer, you know those little signs/ boxes underneath? well i dont seem to have these, does that mean i have been reported already ? does anyone have any...
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did any 1 notice this morning, that answers or qs were taking about half an hour to appear on the site, or was it just me going crazy
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what's going on, my alias has been banned, why why why? is it cos me is white?
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hi everyone heres a true funny story when we first aqquired our computer 3 years ago, bearing in mind i'm from the slightly older age group hmm hmm, i did'nt havea clue about it so once it was all st...
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hi everyone heres a true funny story when we first aqquired our computer 3 years ago, bearing in mind i'm from the slightly older age group hmm hmm, i did'nt havea clue about it so once it was all st...

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