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last 2.... 109d (5 letters) subdivision of act .... ?C??? 120a (3 letters) - Pub ... ??? Thanks....
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9d (11 letters) Suppressing ... ?I?H?O?D?N? 16d (8 letters) Villain...G?N?S?E? 5d (2 words, 3,7)...Software programme for the Internet? ...?E? and browser. Thanks....
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Stuck! 26d (7 letters) Thereupon is Santa spied; proof to emerge R?????? 55d/44sa (8,4) We set one test in order to hear what's most dulcet to the ear. ????T??? and ????. 72a/60a (5,6,4). Poulet,...
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8d (13 letters). In US politics, divided a state, county etc., into election districts, so as to give one political party a majority? G?R???A?E?R?D.
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5d. A generation got to grips with this through 13 across (comics). 2 words, (7 and 8 letters)... ?N?L??? - and ??N???G?. 16a. Involves necessarily (7) ?N?A???. 21a. Common sense. N???. Thanks....
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19d "Charged" 6 letters ...... L?A?E? Thanks....
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Can't get brain in gear today. 12 a aromatic plant ?i??(4) dill??? 16 a A mineral an amphorous silica found in many varities and colours including a form that is milky white.???? (4) 24 a Regional US...
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Sunday World 14d "condition of being dominant, especially through superior economic or political power". Ascendancy? or (sp) Ascendency? Thanks....
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4d , short,graceful,literary essay or an illustration at the end of a book (8) thought it was Epilogue but messes with other answers thanks...
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please help with 15across' one who shuns sociey to live in seclusion' (7) ?a?l?s? 25 across Verdant US state(8) ?a?i?e thank you...
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5d - In a song, which fictional musical group played "at wakes and weddings and every country ball"? Two word answer 9 and 4. M?N?M?R?S???D/ 24a - First name of Republican prisoner ..... Mellows -...
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Grid No. l. 8a Be depressed - N?P?. 10 a - Not smooth - O?E?EN. Must have made some mistakes .... thanks in advance....
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20 a. Made Up (8 letters) - C?M?I?E?
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I am thinking about going to gamblers annonmyous i gamble about 60% of my income and I am £6500 in debt. I pawn things so I can gamble and then buy them back and then pawn them again. But I feel...
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Grid 1. 1d (9 letters). conceal your true motives. ?I?S?M?L? Dissimile? dissemble? Thanks....
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Grid 2 4d Dawdle .... ?A?N?E?
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Crossword No. l. 9a - Awry. E?K???E. 8d - Outrageous - ?????R?O???E. 20a Scale. ????A. 19d. Clubbers' party drug. ???S. Thanks....
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1d - desperate, all-out? (2,2,3) - ?O???I? 10 a - City which was the last place where the US government confederacy met as a group? ???E?E?O?O...
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9a) Proverb that encourages people to be open minded(5,3,3,5,2,5,5) ??e?e ?r? ??? ????? ?o ?v?r? ??o?e 8d) Inadequately(14) ??????e???u?l? Thanks all....
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grid 2 15a change of luck,[11],---------d-,11down leaf-shedding,[9],-b-------,14d self-respect,[7],-------, thanks anyone

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